It’s Homecoming weekend. No wonder there were so many students all garbed-out at the same time: boys with warpaint on their faces, girls with gaudy t-shirts offsetting their way-too-short shorts. There’s a big house party on a busy street. The music can be heard blocks away. A gaggle of students crowds the front porch, surrounded…
Tag: happiness
The Summer of My Initiation
It’s almost time to go back to school. Being in the school building this past week, I could feel reality setting in. It’s time to get my act together. Before I get completely immersed in that (so to speak), there are a few more things I need to officially process. I think all summers are…
A Blessed Event
We are an incredibly fortunate family. I have always known I was a very lucky girl, and I have always tried not to take things for granted… although, of course, all of us do sometimes. But I have never been more aware of my blessings than I am right now. From the moment we began…
Royal Wedding(s): the world deserves a happy, sentimental tizzy
When I was three years old, Lady Di and Prince Charles were married. I know I saw footage of the wedding (in replay), and it seemed like the most amazing and wonderful thing ever. Diana’s beauty in her dress made my tiny heart light up. I imagined what it would be like to be one…
Dilovely’s Playlist: 20 Favourite Pick-Me-Up Songs
As promised ages ago, I have made y’all a playlist of “uppers”, as my brother calls them: songs that I put on when I need a mood-lifter, ones that are infectiously happy, or just have a melody that makes a body feel good. These are by no means the only 20 songs I would put…
Happy New Year
Hello, dear friends. There’s been a lot of talk recently of how people are really hoping 2011 is a lot better than 2010. There seem to have been an inordinate number of hard knocks this year amongst the people I know and love – too many falls, car accidents, chronic pains, malignant growths, financial troubles,…
Eighteen Months Old = A Year and a Half!
December 8th, 2010: My firstborn is a year-and-a-half old! Dear E, I wish there were a way you could know yourself. Like, when you’re fifteen or twenty-two, it would be great if you could hang out with your eighteen-month-old self. You would love you, just like everyone else does. Today I took you to the…
Shake Your Tailfeather
Everybody needs dancing. It’s in our biology, right along with the need for singing and banging a drum – across cultures and continents. It connects us to our communities and our partners and our own selves. Do you dance? (Say yes.) Where do you dance? What makes you do it? What rhythm or song inspires…
Family Camp 2010 at NeeKauNis – Some Favourite Moments
Well, I truly did try on Day One of Family Camp to send out a photo, and couldn’t figure it out from my iPhone. There’s probably a way, but at the time I was cooking for 35 people and single-parenting (lots of help on both counts, but still) so I didn’t pursue it. There are…
Hypes and Gripes
Here’s something one learns amongst groups of Quakers: sit in a circle and spill your hypes and gripes (i.e. what are you happy and not happy about today?). It’ll do you good. Gripes this week: Being reminded, again, that I am not as nice, patient, competent, reasonable, efficient, or able to handle stress as I…