“How’s your relationship these days?” is not a question most of us ever ask people. I’ve probably only ever asked it of newlyweds (where it’s more like “How’s married life?” nudge-nudge) or of very close friends with whom I have a precedent of relationship discussions. It is a bit odd, though. Among parents, there are the constant…
Tag: choices
The Ladies of Election Day
Here we go, Americans: the Day of Reckoning. I hope you’re on your way to vote – or have already done so. According to the Chicago Tribune, lots of voters wait until Election Day to decide whom their ballot will support. That seems so strange to me, in a country with what is essentially a…
Journey to the two-child* family
After twelve days with the new girl in the house, we are settling in. Two whole, living children. As expected, it’s a rather large adjustment. Worth it in every way, of course… but large nonetheless. I guess there’s still lots I haven’t told you, starting with the big weekend o’ birthing, but finding moments to…
The Baby Name Game
I’m always amazed when parents (-to-be) are able to agree on the name of their impending child many months ahead of time. I know two expectant couples, both due to have daughters in August, who had names ready (boy and girl options) even before they knew the sex of their baby. They make it seem so…
BANG Movie Review: The Business of Being Born
Saturday, May 5th, was International Day of the Midwife. In my city, it was celebrated by a special screening of a documentary by Ricki Lake and Abby Epstein called The Business of Being Born. This film is a few years old (2007), but I had not heard of it until Daily Buzz Moms did a…
Why I Love My Midwives
As you know, baby-in-progress and I are receiving shared prenatal care from a renowned hospital ob/gyn clinic and our midwifery team. (All of this care is covered by our socialized medicine in Ontario. Thank God.) I’d like to dedicate this blog post to my midwives, because they simply rock the casbah, on so many levels….
Who would you have been when the Titanic sank?
Last night at about 2:30 a.m., the wreck of the Titanic turned 100 years old. There were four of us talking about it in our kitchen yesterday evening, and again this morning – about how there were boats travelling to that very spot in the Atlantic Ocean, to commemorate the centennial… and about what an…
Committing Your Heart: please share your wisdom
There’s this couple I know who’s going through a rough time. I love them dearly, and more importantly, they love each other – they have for years. They are one of the best, cutest teams I know. But right now, there’s heartbreak. One half of this couple looks forward to a future of happiness together,…
Oscar Night 2012 + Dilovely’s EXTRA Oscars
I had the good fortune to watch the 84th Annual Academy Awards with a group of good friends last night. It was a fun and exciting night of the film industry thoroughly lovin’ itself. (Complete list of winners is at the bottom.) But there are a few more awards that I think need to be…
Why I Vaccinate My Child
I first became truly aware of vaccination when I was about eleven. I’d had my standard (Ontario) childhood vaccinations, but didn’t remember them, and hadn’t actually thought about them. Then I read a story about Edward Jenner in Cricket magazine – and I never forgot it. As you may know, Jenner was the English scientist…