Here’s the New Year Questionnaire! As per tradition, not even close to “on time.” (Though not as late as some New Years.) Also – shorter than it used to be, and adjusted this year to be a bit more contemplative, inspired by my amazing cousin-sister Quinn at The Retreat Space. AND… guess what, I’ve been…
Tag: health
Dilovely’s New Year Questionnaire for 2021
Here we are! The fresh (2-week-old) new year of 2022! Off to a roaring start with Omicron. A friend of mine on Facebook was reflecting this New Year’s that at the end of 2020, we were so happy to see the year finish, full of hope for an end to the pandemic. Then, 2021 crushed…
Sleep Apnea Test: The Best Sleep You’ll Never Have!
I already know that I have sleep apnea, which is known as “a common disorder in which you have one or more pauses in breathing or shallow breaths while you sleep”. I know I have this, not just because my sleep doctor said so, and not just because several people related to me have it,…
#NaBloPoMo, Day 6: Antibiotics
Today’s official gratitude is for antibiotics, and for the medical system we benefit from. Last week, E’s foot was hurting. Not such a rare thing. Then after he persisted complaining, we looked at it, and it had a puffy red patch. It was clearly hurting him to press on it, and he was starting to limp…
Remembering What We’re Built To Do
When I was 18, a boy at Camp wrote a poem for me. Although I didn’t requite his crush, I still consider his poem one of the most romantic things I’ve ever received, because of its candour. The second line was “She’s just like sunshine through the trees,” and to this day I still feel…
Writer’s Flood Paralysis and the Blogging Shame Spiral (a.k.a. excuses)
What the Sam Hill… I haven’t posted since April 22nd?? Lots of bloggers complain about writer’s block and lack of inspiration. (Fortunately, lots of other bloggers offer solutions for both.) I can imagine getting blocked, if you’re a niche blogger. Some days you just might not have that kicky recipe or new fitness tip or…
Belated Not-So-Lofty “Resolutions”
One thing I’m learning to accept in recent months is that sometimes, I need to shoot lower. It’s not something they’re ever going to engrave on an decorative tile to hang in your kitchen: “Don’t try quite so hard – just lower your expectations so they’re easier to meet. S’okay.” But that’s the verdict I’m…
Poor Baby
My little daughter is sick. It was just as we predicted to her big brother, who has had a cough and runny nose for the past couple weeks: if he is constantly hovering over her, breathing into her face as he gives her long strings of kisses… SHE WILL GET SICK. So, yeah. She has…
Happiness and the Multi-multi-multi-tasking Brain
I think it’s safe to say that everyone wants to be happy. If there is such a thing as a universal goal in the context of humanity, happiness must be it, right? Keeping that in mind, it seems a bit sad that so many people still feel themselves to be in pursuit of happiness. Folks…
Dear Rainbow Baby, now that you’ve arrived
Dear, sweet Rainbow Baby A, You are finally here. Today you turned four days old. You arrived on Sunday morning, September 30th, at 10:21, after about thirteen hours of labour. It was a beautiful autumn day, and we could see spectacular orange and red trees from the hospital room. Precious girl, it was so amazing…