Here’s number 2! I’m getting the hang of this. Sean discovered this technique out of the blue one time and E still enjoys it occasionally. It’s always good to have fun options for drinking. By the way, that’s Raffi I’m singing to at the end there, I haven’t just lost my marbles.
Tag: health
From the Pages of Mini-Di, Earth Day Edition
I know this might be overload on the Mini-Di… but this one has to be today, since it’s Earth Day. Here’s what Dilovely journaled in honour or Earth Day, 1990 (age 11, almost 12): When I got home I told N [my best childhood friend – about the idea to go litter-picking]. She thought it…
Woo hoo!
Yes!! I STAVED IT OFF, folks. I’m officially gonna bite the bullet and say I am awesome, and have the super-wicked immune system of Wonder Woman. (Whose first name, it must not be forgotten, was also Dilovely.) I kick norovirus keester! (Kiester?) Things are pretty much back to normal here, thank goodness. Let’s celebrate with…
Ominous Waiting
It’s like having a tornado heading your way. It looks bad – it’s touching down and hitting other folks – doesn’t stay long but wreaks havoc – it could hit me any time and it wouldn’t be pretty! – or it might just blow over. Every person in my house but me (that’s only three,…
Yay for Lactation!
I took E to the doctor’s office today, just to be on the safe side, since he’s apparently not “over” whatever this is. The nurse practitioner, who was great, was very reassuring without belittling the new-parent worries. It was true, as she pointed out, he didn’t look very sick. (He’d just been flirting outrageously with…
Kudos to you, single parents.
Baby is sick today. There’s been copious evidence coming out both his ends, starting at pre-dawn… sheets changed, baby’s clothes changed, mama’s clothes changed, plenty of other laundry, an extra bath… several short naps, some eating, some dozy awake time, some serious (but highly successful!) potty time, and even some periods where he seemed totally…
Adventures in Surgery
On Monday, I had my surgery: removal of what was apparently a benign giant cell tumor on my left middle finger. It was a fabulous adventure, let me tell you. On the way to the hospital, with my poor mom driving, we fell into a Twilight-Zonesque dream where you first can’t seem to find the…
Undulating Perspective
Funny how quickly an outlook can change. As with most people, I imagine, depending on how much sleep I’ve had, how much exercise I’ve gotten, my blood sugar level, how many hugs I’ve recently received, how long I’ve listened to crying that day, the stress levels of my loved ones, etc. etc., my perspective on…
What a healthy fad this is.
I’m just realizing something as I think about writing a blog for the first time. Everyone out there who has decided to write a blog is journalling. And that’s great! I’m like Oprah. (Okay, I’m not really much like Oprah at all, but go with it.) I always recommend writing what you’re thinking or feeling,…