Dear Rainbow Baby, You have been living inside me for almost 34 weeks, and I’m so thrilled you’re there. Your Daddy and brother and I love you very much, and you have already made us very happy, just by doing your thing: kicking and moving around, and growing. In a few more days, you will…
Tag: health
Okay Stephen, now I’m ******* ticked off.
Prime Minister Stephen Harper Langevin Building 80 Wellington Street Ottawa ON K1A 0A6 Mr. Harper: As a polite Canadian, I’d like to be able to write a proper, respectful salutation; unfortunately, I have seen no evidence of respectful governance to warrant one. This is my second open letter to you. You obviously did not heed…
BANG Movie Review: The Business of Being Born
Saturday, May 5th, was International Day of the Midwife. In my city, it was celebrated by a special screening of a documentary by Ricki Lake and Abby Epstein called The Business of Being Born. This film is a few years old (2007), but I had not heard of it until Daily Buzz Moms did a…
Baby #3 is getting the groove on
Yesterday was our 19-week anatomy scan for baby-in-progress. How cute is our baby? THIS CUTE. But it looks more human. The ultrasound technician was very young-looking. She asked if this was our first ultrasound at the hospital, and I told her we’d had a 12-week scan and an ECG. I don’t know if these technicians…
When Your Child Is Sick
When your child is sick, it’s just about the worst feeling in the world. It’s worse than being sick yourself. You would do almost anything to take it away, and be the one to suffer instead. E has been “under the weather” – coughing, runny nose, whatever – many times (and even then I get…
Why I DEARLY Love My Husband’s Robot Face
Hi, peeps. I’m SORRY! Whether you’re into group names or not, I really hope you are, in fact, Di-hards. Because otherwise I think you might have ditched me by now, such has been the shamefulness of my neglect. (You don’t have to tell me, I know you miss my blog posts as bad as you’d…
Stillbirth: O Magnum Mysterium
This Tuesday, Sean and I were back at the out-of-town hospital, to speak again with the doctor about Sebastian’s autopsy. Thankfully, this time we didn’t wait long at all – and we had already eaten lunch at my favourite Indian restaurant, so that helped my state of mind. The doctor cut right to the chase:…
Why I Vaccinate My Child
I first became truly aware of vaccination when I was about eleven. I’d had my standard (Ontario) childhood vaccinations, but didn’t remember them, and hadn’t actually thought about them. Then I read a story about Edward Jenner in Cricket magazine – and I never forgot it. As you may know, Jenner was the English scientist…
Canadian Elections 2011, Part II: My Epiphany
Something dawned on me recently: I have some heavy prejudices when it comes to politics. (Warning: Di-atribe.) It’s not that I thought I was completely free from bias, but I try to be as open-minded and critical-thinking as I can. Though I am white, female, educated, middle-class, anglophone, straight, and born in Canada, I try…
March Break Madness: more blogscuses
Well, I think this clinches it. When asked how my March break was, I can firmly say that it was un-relaxing. I can’t say that it was completely un-fun, although much of it was. Both of my boys on drugs – the little one for pneumonia, the big one for bronchitis and sinusitis. Not very…