My little daughter is sick.
It was just as we predicted to her big brother, who has had a cough and runny nose for the past couple weeks: if he is constantly hovering over her, breathing into her face as he gives her long strings of kisses… SHE WILL GET SICK. So, yeah.
She has been dealing with minor congestion for most of her 8-week life, but it’s been better lately. Now, suddenly, her lungs are rattling with phlegm (or “blemmiss” as E would say, because he can’t remember), and it’s hard. She hasn’t been crying much – she just kind of squawks and fusses in a way that clearly translates to “Mama, this sucks. Could you please just fix it?”
E didn’t get sick at all until he was almost a year old, so this is new territory for me. It makes me feel helpless. I try to send healing vibes to her through my milk; I’ve rigged a stiff pillow to elevate her upper body; we’ve got the humidifier and the nasal spray and the homeopathic drops. But none of this can just fix her.
In spite of feeling bad, as I’m sure she does, she still gets into a flirty mood after she finishes a meal, and gives me a bunch of beamy smiles. I beam back at her, but it kind of breaks my heart. Already she’s a little trouper.

Aw. I’m sorry. She’ll be okay, though – it’s as you say, she doesn’t know what’s wrong, just that she doesn’t like it, so you feel so inadequate when you can’t even EXPLAIN. Phooey. Give her my very best wishes.
Mama, yeah, especially when I have to do things like spray saline up her nostrils. She must wonder why I’m so mean at moments like those.
Poor sweetie! she’s still unbelievably beautiful, though! the very worst part of parenting is not being able to protect your children from — everything that hurts! of course if you could, it wouldn’t be good for them, but still…
and my golly, but she’s gotten big!
Auntie, you’re so right. I completely understand, since becoming a parent, how one could fall into the “bubble-wrap” trap, but I know it’s not good to do that. It’s just hard, trying not to burst with all that love.
Poor thing. I hope she feels better soon!
Thanks, Julia… I think we’re getting there!
She is so sweet, sick and all! I always felt it was the worst when our littles couldn’t tell us if they were feeling the effects of their colds, but they always pull through like champs. xxo
Devan, I think of you and your brave little Bean every time one of my kids runs a fever… May your family have an extra-healthy winter this year!