I hope all you Ontarians who get Family Day had a great one! We are one of those families who relishes a good collective feast. Here’s what we had, to feed fifteen (well, fourteen – one was eating carrot purée instead) lovely people at my sister’s apartment (it was potluck): Homemade by those in attendance……
Author: dilovely
Que nous puissions vieillir ensemble…
Lorsque tu seras vieux et que je serai vieille Lorsque mes cheveux blonds seront des cheveux blancs, Au mois de mai, dans le jardin qui s’ensoleille, Nous irons réchauffer nos vieux membres tremblants. Comme le renouveau mettra nos coeurs en fête, Nous nous croirons encore de jeunes amoureux; Et je te sourirai tout en branlant…
Let's indulge in a nostalgic moment
Here’s the challenge: Share a memory you have that links a person and a song in your mind, preferably: way in the past having to do with someone you LIKED, like that For example: Here’s a memory I have of the first boy I ever kissed, at age 13, in the summer of 1991. We…
BANG Book Review – The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society
… By Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows. The GGG book club liked it! Some even loved it. It’s the story, told through letters post-WWII, of a woman who becomes fascinated by the stories of the German occupation of the island of Guernsey, and goes to the island to learn more. We all found the…
Eight Months Old – and one day
Dear E, Yesterday, you turned eight months old. You’re such a big, strong baby! Can’t believe we’re here already. You are transitioning out of your evening catnap, as I think I’ve mentioned, and your daytime naps have been shorter this past week. Too much business to get done to waste time sleeping, I guess. But…
BANG Movie Review – The Lovely Bones
I saw Peter Jackson’s film adaptation of Alice Sebold’s The Lovely Bones on Saturday night, and wanted to wait a couple days before writing, to distance myself a little bit. I read this novel, about a young girl who is murdered and watching the world from the “in-between” (I’m not spoiling anything, you find this…
A Tribute to the End of an Era
Dear K, as we no longer share a house… Here’s to beer and coffee, never all gone; To handmade barbecue stands and wood shelters; To the infinite uses of a flatbed truck; To garbage day, all sorted out; To things mown and shovelled; To decorative breakfasts even though you don’t eat breakfast; To countless computer…
Baby Bits X
Perhaps y’all are tiring of Baby Bits… but too bad. You’re getting them anyway. 1. Cool trick I figured out today, all by my brilliant self: Baby is being stubborn, not opening mouth to receive peachy breakfast. Baby is given baby spoon to play with. (Baby is so smart he knows which is mouth end…
Thank Goodness for the Wisdom that Comes with Age
Here’s what passes for adult conversation in the baby house: Sean (pretending to be offended by a good-natured jibe from Auntie Em during our first full game of Settlers since E’s birth): “Shut your pie-hole!” Em (with faux naïveté): “Ooh, there’s pie?” Sean (with the subtlest hint of dejection): “Yeah, but it’s in a hole.”
Baby Bits IX
Bedtime was a tough sell tonight. We are trying to figure out when to phase out the evening catnap, and since E has been resisting his catnap the last couple evenings, we thought maybe he’s telling us he’s done with that. Last night it worked okay, but tonight he just got all over-wiggly. Took quite…