Friday was a fun day: the last day of school before Christmas holidays. Treats out the wazoo, everybody in a good mood, movies in the gym for the kids (N.B. though: Santa Paws is too scary for kindergartners – the the evil foster mom with the incinerator freaked them out), and no expectations for the…
Tag: work
Last week I talked with my Grade 2 class about Thanksgiving and the things we’re grateful for. I was rather disappointed. My school is populated mostly with children who are well-fed, well-dressed, and very well looked after. These kids were like, “Um, je dis merci pour mon Nintendo DSI…” So I told them about how…
Labour Day
School tomorrow! Glad to have had a PD day, last Thursday, to warm up. Looking forward to seeing the kids (most of ’em), catching up with my colleagues, doing fun first-day activities that aren’t really curricular… Hoping to remember everything (like my lunch) – especially on Thursday when I need to drop E off at…
Feeling a Tad Overwhelmed
Whenever I’m feeling like I don’t quite have a handle on everything, it’s time to make a list. Just putting stuff next to bullets makes life seem more orderly. I am a chronic overcommitter. I’m performing tomorrow with Invoketress for the Belly Blush – a veil piece with a princess theme, ooh pretty. I have…
First day back at work
It was pretty good. I enjoyed seeing the kids and my colleagues, and it was track-and-field day, so it was a nice laid-back chance to reintegrate. It’s the first time I’ve left a school and then come back to the same one, and I have to admit it was really nice being welcomed back to…
Technically, this would have been my first day of work, but since my principal was kind enough to condense my schedule, I will only be going in three days a week for now. It’s hot today. It’s surreal to think I’ll be at school tomorrow. It will be REALLY hot at school. Top floor, 90-year-old…
Top News Stories
1. No more stitches for Dilovely! My finger is far more comfortable (and less scary) without them. Though, if I’m honest with myself, the scar is looking more serpentine than lightning-boltish (uh-oh… that’s not the symbol we were looking for)… but whatever. I’ll reserve judgment until it’s healed. 2. E’s new favourite thing: APPLES. You…
Taking the Elephant by the Tusks Before it's in the Room
Hello, dear readers, I apologize for my absence the last few days. I am in the process of a sea-blog-change. As the end of my maternity leave creeps closer, I am wishing more and more fervently that I could only go back to work part-time (or, since I’m wishing, how about not at all?). I…
Friends Are Nice
The Grand Opening Pampered Chef cooking show was a success! That is to say, people came, we chatted, we made food, we used fun tools, guests bought products, and the Three-Cheese Garden Pizza was delicious. Thanks everyone, for attending, and for your kind wishes! Being a consultant is going to involve a significant learning curve,…
Dilovely's Little List of Goals
I’m enjoying this. I enjoy that I don’t need preamble or continuity to write in my Bloggy Blog. No constraints on length or level of awesomeness. (When my sister started her blog and left for Europe, I discovered that my baby son gives big smiles when you say “Blogblogblogblogblog.”) What was my topic again? Oh…