This March, when the current federal Conservatives were found in contempt of Parliament and the government fell, a widespread reaction was, “We’re going to the polls again?? This is a stupid waste of money – we’re just going to end up with exactly the same situation.” (It’s been less than 3 years since the last…
Tag: decisions
Feeling a Tad Overwhelmed
Whenever I’m feeling like I don’t quite have a handle on everything, it’s time to make a list. Just putting stuff next to bullets makes life seem more orderly. I am a chronic overcommitter. I’m performing tomorrow with Invoketress for the Belly Blush – a veil piece with a princess theme, ooh pretty. I have…
Taking the Elephant by the Tusks Before it's in the Room
Hello, dear readers, I apologize for my absence the last few days. I am in the process of a sea-blog-change. As the end of my maternity leave creeps closer, I am wishing more and more fervently that I could only go back to work part-time (or, since I’m wishing, how about not at all?). I…
Survey Question I – Please Weigh In!
Talking with my friend recently – this is a friend with a baby son only a month younger than mine – we realized something. Moms (and, it must be supposed, dads as well) do gross things in the name of parenthood. We were talking about when babies get congested, which led to the topic of…
New Year's Resolutions
I don’t traditionally do New Year’s Resolutions. Usually there’s at least one person a year who asks me what mine are, and most of the time I haven’t thought about it. This is not because I don’t think I have plenty of room to improve myself and my ways of doing things – au contraire. …
What would you do?
Here’s my real post for today. This evening I walked out onto the street after dance practice and headed for the parking lot. This meant walking through a crowd of people outside the church, which I think has a drop-in centre associated with it. The crowd had been there, just hanging out, when I’d arrived,…
Dilovely's Little List of Goals
I’m enjoying this. I enjoy that I don’t need preamble or continuity to write in my Bloggy Blog. No constraints on length or level of awesomeness. (When my sister started her blog and left for Europe, I discovered that my baby son gives big smiles when you say “Blogblogblogblogblog.”) What was my topic again? Oh…
A few of today's thoughts
It occurs to me that I might seem conceited to choose the user name dilovely. I wanted to emphasize the love part, since I’m very aware of love, and like to make sure people hear about it when I love them. Okay? Wait, why do I care if the ether thinks I’m conceited? Shoot, I…
What a healthy fad this is.
I’m just realizing something as I think about writing a blog for the first time. Everyone out there who has decided to write a blog is journalling. And that’s great! I’m like Oprah. (Okay, I’m not really much like Oprah at all, but go with it.) I always recommend writing what you’re thinking or feeling,…
It's 11:06 on a Monday and I've decided to start blogging??
Well. Here I am, writing into the ether. I did not plan to blog today or even any time soon, therefore did not tell anyone I know, “Hey, check out my blog later!” In fact, I’m not even sure I will tell anyone I know. Maybe it will be my own secret, me offering my…