Hi, lovelies!!!
I’m really excited to be writing this, even though it’s going to be a silly, tiny post. I just have to write something.
If you’ve tried to visit my blog any time in the last few-to-several months, you know that it has been SUSPENDED.
(And if you haven’t tried to visit my blog and had no idea it has been suspended… no hard feelings. If I didn’t write this blog, I don’t think I would have noticed its absence.)
Here is a beautiful photo (by Cole Keister) to legitimize this post and to illustrate how it felt to be blog-less… like I’d fallen from my tree and was floating suspended and untethered on a mysterious body of water with only decomposition to look forward to.

Yes, I MAY be exaggerating. And maudlin to the point of ridiculousness. It is true that in May and June I did have access to my blog and managed to post… not a thing. But I like to think I would have produced something in the last four months, had the option been available. There were SO MANY things I wanted to write about – which, frankly, is always true, and I neglect to write because of time constraints. Blah.
But you know how it is – you don’t know what you got ’til it’s gone. After a whole summer of feeling deprived (even though I have definitely gone a whole summer before without posting, knowing it’s crazy that I’m supposed to have all this time and still don’t manage), I had a talk with my wonderful husband about writing and why it so rarely makes it to the top of my list, despite the fact that I am only 70% of full-time (by choice) and have 3 out of 5 mornings per week not teaching.
I said, “There’s always lots to do on my mornings off. The work of living our lives is never done. How can I prioritize something frivolous like blogging?” (Except that I was less pithy in real life.)
He said, “You’ve earned this.”
“What?” said I. “How have I earned this? The laundry is not done…”
Here’s what he said, like the A-1 husband he is: “You did the work. You worked hard early on to ensure that you had a well-paying profession that would enable you to afford to work part-time, and you deserve to at least spend one of those mornings writing.”
Thanks to my own hang-ups, I have been feeling guilty about blogging AND about not-blogging this whole time… and now my BFF has made me feel the way not even Elizabeth Gilbert could make me feel (even though she tried): entitled to engage in this creative outlet.
For the record, regarding the technicalities: I don’t even know what went wrong exactly, having been protected from those horrors from the man who runs my server (aka my dad)… I just know that we’re not impressed with HostPapa.
Alors, voilà. Here I am, posting something. There is a huge gap in my blog history that I’m rather self-conscious about – and I’ve decided, as mayor of this li’l town, to reserve myself the right to back-post when I finish a post that I began months ago (either on this blog, or in a separate document when it was suspended but I had to write something), so that I feel better about my timeline. Who knows what I might do or write??
I also reserve the right to take forever and/or write not that much. As usual, I am preparing for a Remembrance Day assembly and progress reports at the same time, and I’m also taking an AQ course. But there are so many things aching to be written… so I hope some will make their way out sometime soon.
Thanks for reading, lovelies! And thanks to my dad for rescuing me from Cyber-Limbo. And thanks to Skye for being really dedicated to my scone recipe.
Lots of love and gratitude,
THAT wasn’t a silly, tiny post, as advertised! I enjoyed it very much! My HostPapa website is also back to functionalityness, though I suspect that interests far fewer people than yours. Thanks for carrying on!
Thanks for reading, Mama! And I’m glad your site is back too.
Welcome back! Can’t wait to make scones (I might even share some as a thank you ?).
Thanks for your support always, Skye! xoxoxo