A month or so ago, I read an article from the New York Times called “Kissing Your Socks Goodbye.” It discusses the book – and process – of one Marie Kondo, who helps people de-clutter, re-organize, and make more lovely their homes.
I think I’d like to read her book, “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing,” but in the meantime I latched onto the roll-folding idea (a space-saver!) and the idea of only having items in your closet that “spark joy.”
I am naturally a pack rat. I always think things will be useful later. (Occasionally, they are.) But I am slowly getting better at being realistic about whether I actually use the things I have, especially in my closet.
I hadn’t planned to re-organize on this day, but somehow I started and then just went with it. I wish I had a “Before” picture – my closet shelf especially tends to be a place of tipping-over piles where T-shirts can get lost for months. Now look!
It is always a relief to have organized… but it never lasts as long as it should. Now I’m just hoping that this system will be easier to maintain.
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Every little bit (good idea) helps!
I’ve seen that technique before, but always wondered: when you’ve taken most of the little rolls out (to wear them) and before they’ve been put back in (laundered and rolled again), aren’t all the other ones tipping over and coming unrolled? Report back. 😉
I have found they’re okay… Once they’ve gotten used to being rolled, they stay that way pretty well. As long as I do laundry often enough, there’s not enough space for them to fall over.