What a night.
It was the kind of dance performance experience you hope for:
- Everything went smoothly – no obvious costume mishaps, lighting and music cues were all on, people did their jobs well.
- We had an almost-full theatre.
- Our guest performers were all amazing.
- We got great feedback from our audience (even some of the tough customers who happen to be related to troupe members).
- Any of those random choreographic mistakes made (usually ones you’ve never made ever before) during performances were not noticeable to said audience members.
- Our troupe has never been more cohesive and full of sisterhood. It is an amazing team to be part of.
We’re all still taking it in. Grateful and glowing.
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You forgot to mention something about the show:
should read:
-And wonderful, FUN, new choreography from this Blog author too….
to which I could respond – well done!