It’s Day 17 – IN A ROW! Are you sick of me yet?? Anyway. When I was younger, I figured I could write poetry. Sometimes I wrote things that rhymed, but most of it was free verse. I considered it poetry if I used words that sounded poetic to me, on what I considered poetic…
Tag: writing
From the Pages of Mini-Di: First Work of Fiction, Part 2
If you liked Rainy Day Cindy, Part 1, I hope you’re ready! She’s about to take life to a whole new level. In case you’re wondering, I was never bedridden due to a cold as a child. Also, I did not spell as well as this. There are many more spelling mistakes in the rough…
From the Pages of Mini-Di: First Work of Fiction
And here she is, folks. My first protagonist, created and lovingly illustrated when I was six – twenty-seven years ago. (The rough draft is dated Nov. ’84.) Big thanks to my dad, for saving these pages for all this time, and then scanning them for me with such care. I give you… Rainy Day…
You Gotta Love SPAM
I am glad to be blogging in such a user-friendly age. (This is partly because I know very little about actual, real web design. I wouldn’t even blog if it weren’t for WordPress… and my dad.) WordPress makes a handy-dandy plugin (customizable feature) called Akismet, which is the reason I have never had my server crash due…
Happy Bloggiversary to Me!
Two years ago today, for no particular reason, I started blogging. (Well, I might have done it because my sister had started a cool blog about her travels and it looked fun… but it was a total whim.) In all honesty, I barely knew what a blog was. Case in point: that inaugural entry says…
A Two-Year-Old’s Bedtime Stories
I’m pretty grumpy. A) I’ve just spent the last hour-and-a-half trying everything I can think of to get my toddler to sleep (I guess I should be glad he usually goes to bed without incident, but we didn’t get to that stage without a fair bit of work); B) I was trying to write a…
BANG Movie (and story) Review: The Adjustment Bureau
After seeing The Adjustment Bureau last night, I decided to read the story it’s based on – “Adjustment Team”, by Philip K. Dick. A strange experience on both counts. I’d seen trailers, so I knew the movie was about some guy who gets involved with a group of sinister guys in fedoras who reveal to…
My List of Excuses
Okay. So here’s why I have been so shamefully neglecting Blogland. 1. Report cards, a.k.a. “Where the @#*! did all this unmarked work come from?!”, a.k.a. “Why the @#*! didn’t I do this marking earlier?!”, a.k.a. “How is it possible that I have half as many students as usual and somehow it seems like more…
My Bloggiversary
How silly that the first week of November (which some call National Blog Posting Month) 2010, I was so busy and harried and generally off my rocker that I did not manage to blog AT ALL. I missed my very own Bloggiversary, November 2nd! This time last year, I barely knew what a blog was,…
Mad Libs on an American Classic
Many of my loved ones are having rough times these days. This is for you! Maybe it will bring a smile to your faces for a moment. Three sisters and one boyfriend came up with this Mad Libs chef d’oeuvre during a half-day at the water park. I hope you can sing The Boxer by…