I was reminded by my family last weekend that I haven’t yet shared the weird pearls of toddler philosophy that my daughter has been imparting to us since she learned to talk. Frankly, I haven’t written down nearly enough of them, because life is too busy and my memory for details is shockingly short. Another reason I haven’t…
Tag: toddler
A Smiley Video for a Happy Frozen Friday
My kids love the movie “Frozen.” Like almost all kids. And I’m not ashamed to say that I also love it; I’ve probably seen it a dozen times and I could still cry every time, if I let myself. I will most likely go on about the reasons why another time. For now, here’s two-year-old AB’s side…
100 Happy Days – Day 38: Cozy
My Hubbibi has had his machine line at work shut down over Christmas – four weeks of shutdown, in fact. This is financially tricky, of course, but there’s something awesome about being able to leave for work knowing your two-year-old is snuggling with her Daddy and a good book. (Going on a Bear Hunt.) *** [subscribe2] [ad…
100 Happy Days – Day 33: Pink Snowsuit
This morning after taking E to the bus with me, AB thought she’d visit our neighbour’s driveway. She even ventured all the way to his front steps. I asked if she was going to come inside with me or go live with Steve. She said nonchalantly, “Yep. I’m gonna go live with Steve.” After a few minutes, she…
Happy Second Birthday, Rainbow Baby
Dear Delicious Little Girl, Two years ago yesterday, you came peacefully into the world, and immediately began howling. It was a day joyous beyond description for the people who love you. Since then, we’ve learned a lot about you. Some things we learned right away: You like to be snuggled – but not every second….
Baby AB’s Fashion Blog – Issue #19: Tennis Style
So. Biggest hiatus ever in the history of this blog. Jeepers. Suffice it to say I’ve been itching to write – oh, so many posts in my head – but was away for a whole week at leadership camp (MOTL) and returned home just in time for my firstborn’s fifth birthday (as yet herein uncommemorated!…
Writer’s Flood Paralysis and the Blogging Shame Spiral (a.k.a. excuses)
What the Sam Hill… I haven’t posted since April 22nd?? Lots of bloggers complain about writer’s block and lack of inspiration. (Fortunately, lots of other bloggers offer solutions for both.) I can imagine getting blocked, if you’re a niche blogger. Some days you just might not have that kicky recipe or new fitness tip or…
Toddler Tracks: Baby AB and the Amazing Technicolour Accessories (Fashion Blog #18)
It’s weird think back to AB’s infancy, when she WOULD NOT STAND FOR HATS. Any hat we wrangled onto her would be off in seconds. Now, it’s the opposite. Anything that could possibly be construed as a hat will be worn; if it doesn’t work as a hat, it goes around the neck. And then…
6 Headlines You Won’t See at the Supermarket Checkout
In case you’re wondering, the title of this post is a bit ironic. If you hang around the Interwebs, you may have noticed that it’s real trendy or whatever to write articles and posts that start with a number. Somehow it makes the content more attractive and edible if you enumerate stuff. Far be it…
Toddler Tracks: Baby AB and the Snackalicious Journey
Dear Baby AB, Here’s another chapter of the Chronicles of You at One Year and a Half. This one’s about food! You and food have a great relationship. I’m really glad I read Child of Mine by Ellyn Satter (thank you, Leslie) and Baby-Led Weaning by Gill Rapley and Tracey Murkett (thank you, Megan) before…