Today is a really special day. There are great numbers of us thinking of Newtown today, and praying for those families who are dealing with the first anniversary of the worst day of their lives. I have thought of those families all year long, and send them extra love today. (For a way to express…
Tag: parenting
A Little Night Weaning
November was obviously a banner month for Barely Blogging At All. Sigh. I’d like to say that it’s because my other project was progressing in leaps and bounds, but I’m afraid that’s not the case either. What there HAS been: some serious sleep issues – for all of us. Especially me. So today, I’m thrilled…
Undulating Perspective II: Blurry?
Odd how my last post was about climbing ladders out of dark places… and then this week I’ve felt barely able to climb a very short ladder. I’ve just gone back and re-read a post from almost four years ago, in which I discussed how widely varied is my outlook on life, depending on several…
Preschooler No More
11:36 a.m. Dear E, Today is your first full day of kindergarten – JK. I am sitting here fervently wishing I were a fly on the wall of your classroom. Are you having fun? Are you nervous about anything? Did (do) you like your first recess? Are the other kids nice? Have you eaten any…
Nothing like a trip to the emergency room to put things in perspective.
Dear Baby AB, Sometimes you frustrate me. Sometimes you scream way louder than is called for, and sometimes your melodrama gets tiresome. Your reluctance to let me do simple, important things (like change your diaper or wipe your face) is aggravating. But know this: I love you more than waterfalls and music and fresh peaches…
I can hardly wait to be perfect.
Someday, I’m going to be SO organized that I will be perfect. In fact, my entire family will be perfect, because of my contagious perfection. (And my husband’s constant, inspirational quest for self-improvement.) This Perfect Me will get good exercise every day, outdoors when weather permits. She will remember without fail to take her vitamins….
The Anatomy of a Mum-Mum
Baby Mum-Mums. For parents of teething babies, they are saviour and anathema at once. How do they work? No one knows exactly. I am baffled, myself. They are delicate enough to be crushed to smithereens in your purse (preferably inside the package). They yield appropriately to the gentle crocodile-fierce pressure of a teething baby’s jaws….
Eight Random Things with Brilliant Segues
{Actually, I make no guarantees that the segues will be brilliant. But whatever.} My last post was a downer, I know. But now! I am able to lighten up for the following reasons: 1. I have awesome friends/family/Di-hards. THANK YOU for your sympathy and support, and offers of help. I hope I haven’t worried you…
Four Months Old
Dear Baby A, On January 30th, it was four months since the day of your birth. I know it’s the worst cliché ever, but I can’t help it: the days have flown by. I cannot believe we are already here. Life with you and your brother has its exasperating moments. There have been lots of runny…
Happy Day, Auntie Em!
Today is the birthday of my elder sister Emily, a.k.a. Auntie Em. It is also the day she officially completed and bade adieu to her Major Research Project, finishing her Masters in Language, Culture, and Teaching. Emi is a special gal. She is full of love and complicated thoughts and stress and nostalgia and joy…