This is not an actual review, since I only (finally) saw The Avengers the other night, when all the true fans are on their second viewing (at least). Everybody who cares about superheroes and comic book lore already knows it’s the best movie in its genre and that Joss Whedon is a freakin’ genius. So…
Tag: opinions
BANG Movie Review: The Business of Being Born
Saturday, May 5th, was International Day of the Midwife. In my city, it was celebrated by a special screening of a documentary by Ricki Lake and Abby Epstein called The Business of Being Born. This film is a few years old (2007), but I had not heard of it until Daily Buzz Moms did a…
Why I Love My Midwives
As you know, baby-in-progress and I are receiving shared prenatal care from a renowned hospital ob/gyn clinic and our midwifery team. (All of this care is covered by our socialized medicine in Ontario. Thank God.) I’d like to dedicate this blog post to my midwives, because they simply rock the casbah, on so many levels….
The Hunger Games and the Tough Questions
Okay, folks. If you haven’t read Suzanne Collins’s The Hunger Games, stop reading this silly old blog RIGHT NOW and go read it. I’m not kidding. Go. If you HAVE read The Hunger Games, then you know. I’m sure there must be people out there who didn’t like the series (and guaranteed there are people…
This Means War: A game of “Who’s hotter?”
Sometimes on car trips, during a lull in conversation, I like to start up a game of “Who’s hotter?” At first, when I would ask Sean something like, “Okay, honey, who’s hotter: Alyson Hannigan or Cobie Smulders?” he was uncomfortable. I guess initially it didn’t seem like a good idea to talk about other people’s…
BANG Movie Review: The Artist
SPOILER ALERT: If you have managed to hear NO information about The Artist, and would like to see the movie with unawareness intact, stop reading now. If you already know the “thing” but don’t want the plot spoiled, don’t worry. I won’t reveal any secrets. I was recommended to see The Artist by Auntie Em,…
BANG Movie Review: Sherlock Holmes – A Game of Shadows
Almost two years ago, I went to see the first of Guy Ritchie’s Sherlock Holmes movies and reviewed it. Last Sunday, Sean and I left the little guy with Grandma and Grandpa and went to see the new installment, A Game of Shadows. (In both cases, I saw the movies long after they arrived in…
BANG Movie Review: Hugo
Like The Muppets, Hugo is a children’s holiday blockbuster sitting at higher than 90% at Rotten Tomatoes (93% today). It’s a story about a young boy who lives alone in the walls of a Paris train station in the 1930s; the film is based on Brian Selznick’s book The Invention of Hugo Cabret, which I…
Why I Vaccinate My Child
I first became truly aware of vaccination when I was about eleven. I’d had my standard (Ontario) childhood vaccinations, but didn’t remember them, and hadn’t actually thought about them. Then I read a story about Edward Jenner in Cricket magazine – and I never forgot it. As you may know, Jenner was the English scientist…
BANG Movie Review: The Muppets
After seeing it, I would say the Muppets movie is less of a movie, and more of a feeling. Not that it doesn’t have a plot – it has a solid (albeit predictable) plot, with suspense and buildup and characters and a climax and everything. It’s just that when you combine the bright colours, the…