I read a high-school copy of The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald in Monteverde, Costa Rica, at my host family’s house, during a teaching internship. I also read I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings and The Bluest Eye, but The Great Gatsby was the most incongruous story in a place where the houses…
Tag: movies
BANG Movie Review: 42
Watching 42, it dawned on me that, for a person who can’t hit a baseball to save my life, I have seen – and enjoyed – a goodly number of baseball movies. (The Natural, Bull Durham, Stealing Home, Field of Dreams, A League of Their Own, and Moneyball – only a drop in the bucket…
A Review of All Things Misérables
So I finally got to see the new Les Mis movie in mid-February, when it had been in theatres for a month and a half. This is rather a travesty. I’m a musical geek. I could sing you most of the soundtracks for about a dozen different musicals.* I was also a French major; I…
Dilovely’s Extra Oscars 2013 + Defense of Seth MacFarlane
Might as well make a tradition of the Extra Oscars! I know it’s two days later so in Internetland, the Oscars are ancient history. But whatever. I have this thing called a baby. She sabotages my deadlines, dudes. I do watch the ceremony almost every year now, thanks to Karissa’s parties that make it all…
Happy New Year!
It’s January Seventh, Twenty-Thirteen! Happy new year (more or less), Di-hards. It’s the first day back to school, the 13th day after Christmas. As good a day as any for a new year post in which I lighten up a little bit… with a silly celebratory questionnaire meme. Woo hoo! {Disclaimer: Dilovely wrote these responses,…
Mysterious Movie Ratings
Do you ever wonder how films get their ratings? Especially kids’ movies. There seem to be some inconsistencies in the system. For your edification, the Motion Picture Association of America says the following about G and PG movies: G — General Audiences. All Ages Admitted. A G-rated motion picture contains nothing in theme, language, nudity,…
Evidence that after seven years of marriage, my Hubbibi and I are OLD
Hi everyone, Thanks for all your good wishes! Sean and I had our li’l getaway, and it was really, really nice. AND, it was perfect for retirees. Huh? We went to check in at our B&B, which is a beautiful house in the country run by a very nice guy named Shane. It has a…
Non-Expert Thoughts on The Avengers
This is not an actual review, since I only (finally) saw The Avengers the other night, when all the true fans are on their second viewing (at least). Everybody who cares about superheroes and comic book lore already knows it’s the best movie in its genre and that Joss Whedon is a freakin’ genius. So…
The Hunger Games and the Tough Questions
Okay, folks. If you haven’t read Suzanne Collins’s The Hunger Games, stop reading this silly old blog RIGHT NOW and go read it. I’m not kidding. Go. If you HAVE read The Hunger Games, then you know. I’m sure there must be people out there who didn’t like the series (and guaranteed there are people…
This Means War: A game of “Who’s hotter?”
Sometimes on car trips, during a lull in conversation, I like to start up a game of “Who’s hotter?” At first, when I would ask Sean something like, “Okay, honey, who’s hotter: Alyson Hannigan or Cobie Smulders?” he was uncomfortable. I guess initially it didn’t seem like a good idea to talk about other people’s…