Recently, I had the chance to catch up with an old friend whose family was expecting their third child: a daughter, after two sons. [Actually, I started this post more than a month ago, and as it happens, said daughter was born TODAY, early this morning! So read on, in honour of wee baby EC’s…
Tag: motherhood
#NaBloPoMo, Day 5: My Hubbibi
Whew. Just weathered a Mammoth Meltdown (one of many in the last three years, but this was definitely in the top ten), courtesy of my three-year-old. The better part of an hour of screaming/crying, along with intermittent hitting/kicking. All this – at least initially – because I wouldn’t let her put the cap back on her toothpaste….
A Message to the Daddies on Mother’s Day, or “How (Not) to Incur Mama’s Wrath”
This post is dedicated to all the fathers and fathers-to-be out there, with love – especially if this is your first Mother’s Day. I hope some of these words can be useful to you, or to someone you know. (If you are an equal-time, full-time, or single dad, then you can stop reading now… Welcome to…
The Blooming Season
This weekend is a big one for me. On Saturday, I’ll be thirty-five years old. (Holy smokes.) And of course, Sunday is Mother’s Day. Over the past week or so, something has been making me feel slightly odd and touched in the head. There’s been a phantom baby inside me. Not that I have actual…
A (mostly) Depressing Post.
I should probably not be writing right now. In my present state, it’s like drinking and dialling: I might use inappropriate honesty. For the last many weeks (I haven’t been counting because that just makes it worse) Baby A, and therefore I, have been sleeping in increments no longer than 2 hours, and often 90…
Four Months Old
Dear Baby A, On January 30th, it was four months since the day of your birth. I know it’s the worst cliché ever, but I can’t help it: the days have flown by. I cannot believe we are already here. Life with you and your brother has its exasperating moments. There have been lots of runny…
Why is parenting so effing hard?
I think I may have sounded, in yesterday’s post, like life with my kids is idyllic and wonderful and effortless. I was glad to have the writing to focus me on the parts I love about this parenting gig, because yesterday was actually a rather difficult parenting day. How is it okay that the most…
Six weeks old on Remembrance Day
Dear Baby A, Today, you are six weeks old! Probably the fastest six weeks of my whole life, even though I’m trying very hard to cherish every second, to make this time last longer. Six weeks ago, you were sleeping angelically through your first day of life, as many people (who had already loved you…
Thanks for the mammaries, and the 80s junk food ads
As I was just telling my mother, I am not myself today. I think it’s because I made one of my boobs angry. I guess it’s easier to do than I realized, while breastfeeding full-time. I was just trying to be consistent and make sure I keep the supply even on both sides… I realized…
The new life of the two-child family
And now, how we’re doing back on the home front, after 2.5 weeks: Mommy, Daddy, big brother, little sister… just like the Berenstain Bears. The New Family What’s the same: The new baby looks like Daddy! Although now, people are more likely to say she looks like her brother (who is Daddy’s Mini-Me). She does,…