Dear Sebastian, It’s now five years since your birth day; five years and about thirty-seven hours since your heart beat last. There is something about this year that has made my baby memories extra-vivid. I have thought of you so much this spring. I feel your days coming the first time the weather gets hot. Despite seemingly constant…
Tag: milestones
Happy Birthday, Three-Year-Old!
Dear Baby AB, It has already been two weeks since your birthday! I know you’re not a baby. You are THREE. That is BIG. But of course, you’ll always be my baby, so I reserve the right to call you that. I just want you to know, belated or not, that we’re all besotted by…
Be The Calm
It was a busy summer. Just so you know, that’s the usage of the word busy where it actually means overwhelming-and-sometimes-stressful-enough-to-make-me-think-I-might-lose-my-marbles. And that’s despite summer vacation, and my school being closed for renovations. We bought a house in June, right before end-of-school craziness; we beautified and sold our house in July; we packed in August, and moved on…
A Very Special One-Year-Old and His Mom
One year ago yesterday, a cherished and unusual little person named Kieran was born. His mom, my friend Skye, already knew he would be born with a cleft lip and palate. It was a tough time when she found out about it, because there are a lot of challenges that go with having a cleft…
One Decade of Marriage
Dear Sean, It’s hard to believe that it has been ten whole years since the day we pledged ourselves to each other as husband and wife. A decade sounds long, but feels short these days. On the other hand, ten years is short, in a way, since our story began long before that. It has been…
Four Years Remembering You In This House
Dear Sebastian, Last week, it was four years since your death and birth. As always, we love you to the heavens and back, and miss you all the time. We have bought a new house. We will be moving to it at the end of the summer, and we are all really excited about it. Your…
Happy Second Birthday, Rainbow Baby
Dear Delicious Little Girl, Two years ago yesterday, you came peacefully into the world, and immediately began howling. It was a day joyous beyond description for the people who love you. Since then, we’ve learned a lot about you. Some things we learned right away: You like to be snuggled – but not every second….
Three Years.
Dear Sebastian, It’s been hard to write today. Not just because thinking of you can be hard. It’s also difficult to find the time, with your brother and sister around, and life being the overwhelming To-Do list that it is. I feel drained, and the words feel awkward under my fingers. It’s been three years…
Dear Five-Year-Old: I sure love you, even when I don’t like you much.
Beloved E, I started writing a blog post in your honour just over two weeks ago, when you turned five. Part of the reason it didn’t get done in a timely manner is because your birthday happened to fall between two disparate weeks of insanity. The other reason is that I wanted to write something…
I am a square. (And such a fortunate one.)
This past Sunday, as you know, was Mother’s Day, and also my thirty-sixth birthday. It was pretty much as lovely as I could have wished for. You also could say it started on Saturday, when I got to (1) take an impromptu nap on the reclining couch upon arrival at my parents’ house, while members…