One year ago yesterday, a cherished and unusual little person named Kieran was born. His mom, my friend Skye, already knew he would be born with a cleft lip and palate. It was a tough time when she found out about it, because there are a lot of challenges that go with having a cleft…
Tag: love
One Decade of Marriage
Dear Sean, It’s hard to believe that it has been ten whole years since the day we pledged ourselves to each other as husband and wife. A decade sounds long, but feels short these days. On the other hand, ten years is short, in a way, since our story began long before that. It has been…
A Message to the Daddies on Mother’s Day, or “How (Not) to Incur Mama’s Wrath”
This post is dedicated to all the fathers and fathers-to-be out there, with love – especially if this is your first Mother’s Day. I hope some of these words can be useful to you, or to someone you know. (If you are an equal-time, full-time, or single dad, then you can stop reading now… Welcome to…
8 Unromantic-Sounding Ways I Know Our Marriage Will Last
“How’s your relationship these days?” is not a question most of us ever ask people. I’ve probably only ever asked it of newlyweds (where it’s more like “How’s married life?” nudge-nudge) or of very close friends with whom I have a precedent of relationship discussions. It is a bit odd, though. Among parents, there are the constant…
100 Happy Days – Day 29: Love Art
E was inspired to pull up his li’l stool and draw this on our white board today. *** [subscribe2] [ad name=”Med Rec”] ***
Happy Second Birthday, Rainbow Baby
Dear Delicious Little Girl, Two years ago yesterday, you came peacefully into the world, and immediately began howling. It was a day joyous beyond description for the people who love you. Since then, we’ve learned a lot about you. Some things we learned right away: You like to be snuggled – but not every second….
Wishful Thinking for the New Year
Happy New Year, lovely Di-hards. I’m making wishes today. This one is for you: I wish for your baby to be born so sweet and healthy that the whole world smiles. And you: I wish for that project you’re working on to grow wings and take off (with you in the pilot seat, of course). And you: I…
An Unabashed Christmas Post
Now that my li’l family seems to be out of the woods for now, sickness-wise (yes, my kids did trade germs with each other), it’s time to get FESTIVE! I’ve realized something, as an adult: Christmas to me, now, is all about the season. It was a fairly gradual shift from being super-duper-mega-crazy excited about…
A Special Anniversary
Today is a really special day. There are great numbers of us thinking of Newtown today, and praying for those families who are dealing with the first anniversary of the worst day of their lives. I have thought of those families all year long, and send them extra love today. (For a way to express…
Happy Honeymoon!
This past Saturday, my sweet cousin Q married her true love, and we all gathered on Cape Cod to celebrate. It was a gorgeous splash of purple and white against the blue-and-green of the last day of summer, a day full of music and dancing and lovely, heartfelt, tear-inducing prose. It may well be impossible…