I was reminded by my family last weekend that I haven’t yet shared the weird pearls of toddler philosophy that my daughter has been imparting to us since she learned to talk. Frankly, I haven’t written down nearly enough of them, because life is too busy and my memory for details is shockingly short. Another reason I haven’t…
Tag: language
Kindergarten Quotables Variety Pack
I realize it’s been ages since I talked about the cute stuff my kids say, and it’s not because they don’t say cute things. Okay, sometimes it’s because they don’t say cute things. At five and two years old, respectively, my son and daughter both have a tendency to freak out about seemingly minor incidents,…
Kindergarten Quotables: Smooth Operator
{Agh, “Preschooleristics” no longer applies to my boy! Although, admittedly, a few of these are from the pre-school days.} My little guy is a smoothie in many ways. The Salesman Once when we made cookies this summer, E had one left over. I suggested he put it in a container to keep it from getting…
Preschooleristics: 8 (or 10) “Close But No Banana” Quotables
1. “Look, Mama! There’s another digger at the instruction site.” 1b) “Let’s go see Auntie Beth in her impartment.” 1c) “Why do you have a doctor’s impointment?” 2. “I just typed a lot of prepostrophes.” 3. “When are we going to cook something on the barbecube?” 4. “Can we play Trevor Pursuit?”* 5. While playing…
Preschooleristics: 7 Quotables from a Mysterious Brain
Sometimes, the things that pop out of E’s mouth make me think he was some kind of poet-guru in a previous life. Like his words have deep meanings that I don’t fully understand as a regular adult (or have forgotten from my own previous life). Then again, maybe they’re just random. 1. “You know what…
Preschooleristics: 9 Quotable Math Moments
Please note: I’ve been compiling quotations ever since the last one, so some of these come from the 3-year-old E, and some from the 4-year-old one. Just to be clear, since four is important. Recently, we’ve noticed that he’s picking up on learning about numbers, size, speed, and measurement. 1. While playing with his Hot…
Mommy’s in the Doghouse
“Mo-om.” (In the whiny voice, unsurprisingly.) “Why do you just make me cry all the time?” I had to laugh. “Dude, I have no idea.” For the past few days, any time I get a little stern with E, he says something like, “Mommy, you’re scaring me!” or “But now you’re really making me cry!”…
Preschooleristics: Buffet of Quotables
My three-year-old is a child of many faces. These days, E alternates between jollity and tragedy with the dizzying finesse of goldfinch in flight. I know I was just complaining about this very thing, but I must admit we enjoy the way he makes us laugh, even whilst we want to tear our hair out….
Haiku About my Kids
I am not a poet. Still, sometimes life seems a bit more manageable with a prescribed number of syllables, doesn’t it? *** Small furious boy growls and pounds the couch cushions his mind filled with NO. *** When a little guy endeavours to create art his tongue must stick out. *** Blue eyes gazing up…
A Totally Odd Post in 227 words
For this post, I’m doing an odd thing. It’s a short post, but it also contains a trick. I know it sounds awkward so far, but… too bad. It’s up to you to find out my trick. I’ll add words until it’s a good many (still uncommonly short, though), but not try to stay on…