“How’s your relationship these days?” is not a question most of us ever ask people. I’ve probably only ever asked it of newlyweds (where it’s more like “How’s married life?” nudge-nudge) or of very close friends with whom I have a precedent of relationship discussions. It is a bit odd, though. Among parents, there are the constant…
Tag: goals
In Search of the Wagon
Hey, lovelies. Happy new year! It feels weird, but REALLY good, to be writing this, after falling off that wagon three weeks ago and then skulking around the wagon trail pretending I might get back on at any moment but knowing in my heart that I’d never make it up into the jockey box with…
Belated Not-So-Lofty “Resolutions”
One thing I’m learning to accept in recent months is that sometimes, I need to shoot lower. It’s not something they’re ever going to engrave on an decorative tile to hang in your kitchen: “Don’t try quite so hard – just lower your expectations so they’re easier to meet. S’okay.” But that’s the verdict I’m…
Wishful Thinking for the New Year
Happy New Year, lovely Di-hards. I’m making wishes today. This one is for you: I wish for your baby to be born so sweet and healthy that the whole world smiles. And you: I wish for that project you’re working on to grow wings and take off (with you in the pilot seat, of course). And you: I…
Eight Random Things with Brilliant Segues
{Actually, I make no guarantees that the segues will be brilliant. But whatever.} My last post was a downer, I know. But now! I am able to lighten up for the following reasons: 1. I have awesome friends/family/Di-hards. THANK YOU for your sympathy and support, and offers of help. I hope I haven’t worried you…
Authentic Voices
I have been honoured this week by my friend lola over at bear & lion. She passed along to me the distinction of the Authentic Voice Award, for “those people who blog so transparently and with such authenticity that they are truly one of a kind”, created by Lillian at It’s a Dome Life. I…
Happy Day, Auntie Em!
Today is the birthday of my elder sister Emily, a.k.a. Auntie Em. It is also the day she officially completed and bade adieu to her Major Research Project, finishing her Masters in Language, Culture, and Teaching. Emi is a special gal. She is full of love and complicated thoughts and stress and nostalgia and joy…
Dear Ontario Teachers
Dear colleagues, I know I haven’t written about what you’re going through in a long time, not since the post that unexpectedly deflowered my blog three months ago. I want you to know that it’s not because I’m ignoring what’s going on; I think about it every day. (Well – and I did have that…
Wrapping up NaBloPoMo! (…I cheated a little.)
It’s November 30th, the last day of National Blog Posting Month, 2012! Whew. What a relief. For real. Like last year at this time, I am proud to say that I did it! But with slightly less integrity than in 2011. 30 blog posts One per day (though this was where I cheated. I tweaked…
Happiness and the Multi-multi-multi-tasking Brain
I think it’s safe to say that everyone wants to be happy. If there is such a thing as a universal goal in the context of humanity, happiness must be it, right? Keeping that in mind, it seems a bit sad that so many people still feel themselves to be in pursuit of happiness. Folks…