I hope all you Ontarians who get Family Day had a great one! We are one of those families who relishes a good collective feast. Here’s what we had, to feed fifteen (well, fourteen – one was eating carrot purée instead) lovely people at my sister’s apartment (it was potluck): Homemade by those in attendance……
Tag: food
A Tribute to the End of an Era
Dear K, as we no longer share a house… Here’s to beer and coffee, never all gone; To handmade barbecue stands and wood shelters; To the infinite uses of a flatbed truck; To garbage day, all sorted out; To things mown and shovelled; To decorative breakfasts even though you don’t eat breakfast; To countless computer…
Top Tens by Dilovely and Son
Top Ten Things Dilovely is stoked about this week (in random order): E in overalls. I mean, seriously, can he get any cuter? Guelph’s Rainbow Chorus 15th anniversary concert last night. Pretty songs, solid harmonies, vibrant colours, happy (gay, lesbian, bi, trans, and friends) people, community spirit out the wazoo. Plus snacks. Did you know…
A Few Holiday Highlights
I know it’s super-late for this, but too bad. It’s my blog and I didn’t get time in December… and technically, the twelve days of Christmas don’t end until January 6th. Here we go. I love the Christmas season. When I was little, I of course got deliriously excited about Santa Claus and presents. And…
Solid Sunday
We did it! A special trip out was made from my parents’ house, specifically to purchase baby rice cereal. (Apparently Heinz has bought the Pablum name, because this box of deliciousness affiliated itself with both.) I know I said avocado, but I guess I’m just more comfortable with tradition – almost everyone says to start…
The Solids Odyssey
He must be ready – all the signs are there. He watches the journey from fork/bowl/fingers/spoon to mouth, he reaches for it and grabs if he can. Everything he grabs, he directs straight for his mouth. He is even distracted from breastfeeding by this. The other day he suddenly stuck his hand right in my…