Wow, it’s been a crazy week. I started out writing a sweet little birthday note to my firstborn, on his actual birthday, and then the celebrations overwhelmed the blogging time. (Putting together the yearbook and writing report cards didn’t help either.) There’s been so much partying that it must seem to him that his birthday…
Tag: food
Why I Love May
We’ve had a couple of BEAUTIFUL weekends in a row, where I live. After such weird, wonky weather for the whole winter and a good chunk of the spring, we are welcoming this awesomeness. Here are ten things I love about the month of May. (You might notice a theme.) It smells wonderful. As I…
Apple Farms: Almost as good as the fair.
Last weekend, we went to the apple farm with Papa and Auntie Em. I was hoping for a late Pick-Your-Own opportunity, but the farmers said that since the frost, they weren’t recommending picking from the trees. (Even though the apples on the trees looked beautiful to us.) We sold E on the outing by telling…
Toddler Tracks: More Recent Quotes and Conversations
Okay, I’m seriously overdue for one of these posts. The word “recent” in the title is relative – a lot of these quotes are from the summer or before. And really, he says quotable things ALL the time, but these are the ones I’ve managed to note down. It’s a marathon… there are so many,…
Happy Halloween!
By day he’s a dragon. (With a hungry caterpillar sidekick.) By night, he’s a giraffe. He’d heard all about trick-or-treating from the other kids, so was all revved up for his first time out, saying, “I need candy!” (This from a kid who’s barely eaten candy, ever.) Skye and I took him down the street,…
The Fall Fair: it’s WAY better with a kid
On Thanksgiving weekend, we took E to his first Fall Fair. I remember how much I loved the fair as a kid – but I’d forgotten. It wasn’t until I brought my toddler that I re-realized how FANTABULOUS it really is. In fact, it spoiled this kid for normal life. The morning after, he first…
To My Son on His Second Birthday
Dear E, Today you are two years old. As I begin to write this, it’s 9:27 p.m., which means that at this time two years ago, you were four minutes old. I knew right away that the 45 hours of pain I’d just finished were well worth it, and I feel that way more than…
There’s a big toddler update coming, since our kid is constantly saying and doing things that make us laugh and raise our eyebrows… but I simply had to come and post this tidbit before my spacey pregnant brain lets it go. A wee bit of background: over the past weekend, we finally found a bribe…
My Bloggiversary
How silly that the first week of November (which some call National Blog Posting Month) 2010, I was so busy and harried and generally off my rocker that I did not manage to blog AT ALL. I missed my very own Bloggiversary, November 2nd! This time last year, I barely knew what a blog was,…
Eating Well
Sean and I are giving our digestive systems a break this week. Sean has been reading the famous book Skinny Bastard, guy version (complete with swearing and other locker-room lingo) of the even-more-famous book Skinny Bitch. It’s all about how you have to shape up and eat right if you want to be fit, so…