Our family is lucky enough to be able to buy super-fresh, uber-local veggies from gardener friends of ours. Our first batch included pea shoots, green onions, rhubarb, and sorrel. To my knowledge, I had never cooked with or even eaten sorrel. It sounded like something from Outlander. But I figured, sorrel is a green leafy…
Tag: food
The Authentic (Belgian) Liège Waffle Odyssey
Get ready. This blog post REALLY IS AN ODYSSEY. If you make it to the end (which you should, if you care about waffles) and correctly answer the skill-testing question, you will receive a solid gold waffle-shaped medal, handcrafted at the Franklin Mint. Please allow 4-29 weeks for delivery. Dilovely’s Personal Waffle History As some…
Tea Party Food: Crowd-Pleasing Chocolate Chip Cookies and Easy Mini-Crescent Scones
Last week, I had four other mamas, with child(ren) in tow, over to my house as part of a “shrinking coffee party” fundraiser for our local hospital. It was a really nice time: the preschoolers (all boys) got along famously, the babies were adorable, and we mamas never lacked for conversational topics. I don’t host…
The Anatomy of a Mum-Mum
Baby Mum-Mums. For parents of teething babies, they are saviour and anathema at once. How do they work? No one knows exactly. I am baffled, myself. They are delicate enough to be crushed to smithereens in your purse (preferably inside the package). They yield appropriately to the gentle crocodile-fierce pressure of a teething baby’s jaws….
Dilovely’s Extra Oscars 2013 + Defense of Seth MacFarlane
Might as well make a tradition of the Extra Oscars! I know it’s two days later so in Internetland, the Oscars are ancient history. But whatever. I have this thing called a baby. She sabotages my deadlines, dudes. I do watch the ceremony almost every year now, thanks to Karissa’s parties that make it all…
Watch out for swiftly-growing preschoolers
Sometimes, to spice up breakfast a little for our three-year-old E, we put a few semi-sweet chocolate chips into his mini-bowl of Cheerios or Shreddies, which he eats dry. Finding them is just as much of a treat as eating them, it seems. This morning, as I was putting the baby sister down for her…
November: aftermath
The first day of November. What does it mean? My house is filled with candy wrappers. Empty ones. Mostly in garbage cans, but there’s the odd escapee as well, decorating the carpet. It’s not a source of pride: this week there are four adults in the house + Sean went a little crazy with the…
Evidence that after seven years of marriage, my Hubbibi and I are OLD
Hi everyone, Thanks for all your good wishes! Sean and I had our li’l getaway, and it was really, really nice. AND, it was perfect for retirees. Huh? We went to check in at our B&B, which is a beautiful house in the country run by a very nice guy named Shane. It has a…
Post-Camp Roundup Fantastico
Hi, Everyone! Although there’s always some culture shock when I come back from Family Camp, it’s nice to be here, in a lot of ways. And nice that thanks to my smarty-phone, my email inbox (though largely neglected) is not in complete chaos, and I was even able to post you a li’l post with…
Sebastian’s Birthday: A Lullaby for my Children
Monday morning – July 9th, 2012 Dear Sebastian, It’s 9:04 a.m. as I begin this post. It was important to me to write this morning, because I know that at this same hour, one year ago, you were still in my arms. It is exactly the same kind of morning it was on the day…