If you’re a Di-hard, you already know that I have nerdy tendencies. You know that I have young children. Sometimes when you spend the majority of your time with kids, your perspective warps a bit. This was bound to happen. NaBloPoMo Day 3. More to come! *** [subscribe2]
Tag: family
Such Outrageous (Good) Fortune
I mentioned I’ve been absent from school twice within the last two months, for a week at a time. There are only good reasons for this, and this is what I wrote (and didn’t manage to post) when I came back from the first one – a rare and wonderful reunion of my dad’s side…
Barely Managing + Constant Guilt = Modern Parenting??
When you’re a parent, discussing parenting is what you do: the easiest way to find out what you have in common – and also to gauge how you’re doing at the parenting gig, and whether you/your kids are normal. I can’t help but notice a trend among the parents I talk to with young kids – one that…
Happy (Chinese) New Year
Hi, folks. Looks like I (completely, by a long shot) missed posting this “new year post” at the official beginning of 2016. But hey – Chinese New Year was only yesterday! Gung hey fat choy! And since we did not manage a proper Christmas card this year, this must serve as our retrospective message. Time to get…
#NaBloPoMo, Day 18: Funk & Flowers
I haven’t been sleeping well, so today was one of those tired, foggy, grumpy days where it’s an effort to muster the teaching energy. Still, so many things to be thankful for. Today I’m grateful for: Having both my sisters, if just for a few minutes, together with me for coffee this morning. Noticing that E…
#NaBloPoMo, Day 1: Halloween + The Point
This past week, we were having a play date at Skye’s house, and she gave me a very gentle and encouraging nudge about this month. She reminded me that I need to write in November. It’s true. I have been letting writing fall off my radar a lot, and Skye knows (as many of you…
Happy Birthday, Three-Year-Old!
Dear Baby AB, It has already been two weeks since your birthday! I know you’re not a baby. You are THREE. That is BIG. But of course, you’ll always be my baby, so I reserve the right to call you that. I just want you to know, belated or not, that we’re all besotted by…
A Very Special One-Year-Old and His Mom
One year ago yesterday, a cherished and unusual little person named Kieran was born. His mom, my friend Skye, already knew he would be born with a cleft lip and palate. It was a tough time when she found out about it, because there are a lot of challenges that go with having a cleft…
One Decade of Marriage
Dear Sean, It’s hard to believe that it has been ten whole years since the day we pledged ourselves to each other as husband and wife. A decade sounds long, but feels short these days. On the other hand, ten years is short, in a way, since our story began long before that. It has been…
Anti-Rape Training Begins at Birth
My firstborn son E is an extremely cuddly kid. He has always wanted snuggles and hugs and kisses, in good times and in bad. It’s great for me, as his mom, to know I can calm him by taking him in my arms, even now that he’s five; and honestly, I’ll be heartbroken when he…