The other day, I was in a funk. I’d had some news from my school board that made me feel frustrated and undervalued, and once I felt like that, every other little thing made me feel worse. E was in a cranky mood and doing his whiny cry for no reason all the time, and…
Tag: emotion
The Tough Get Going – don’t they?
So there I was, thinking and blogging about being overwhelmed, and then my hubby had a cycling accident. Right on Father’s Day! Nothin’ like it to both worsen and improve my state of mind (and overwhelmedness). There was a chain mishap, and now he’s got a broken left wrist that will have to have a…
One Year Old
Dear E, Today you are one year old! At this time last year, we were still waiting for you to arrive, because you weren’t born until 9:23 p.m…. but you were worth the wait – and you were worth all the hard work I had to do. We fell in love with you the moment…
From the Pages of Giant-Di: Waiting for Baby
Here’s what I was writing on Sunday, May 24th, just over a year ago. It’s late. We’ve just come home from my parents’ house where we had a nice evening, beautiful weather, good supper. It was so weird to think that most likely, the next time I visit there, it will be as a mom,…
First day back at work
It was pretty good. I enjoyed seeing the kids and my colleagues, and it was track-and-field day, so it was a nice laid-back chance to reintegrate. It’s the first time I’ve left a school and then come back to the same one, and I have to admit it was really nice being welcomed back to…
Technically, this would have been my first day of work, but since my principal was kind enough to condense my schedule, I will only be going in three days a week for now. It’s hot today. It’s surreal to think I’ll be at school tomorrow. It will be REALLY hot at school. Top floor, 90-year-old…
Eleven Months Old
Dear E, This is your last monthiversary before I go back to work – I’ll have a full day of work on your birthday. 🙁 But today, you are eleven months old and you are a wonderful little person! You are growing and learning so fast it’s mind-boggling. Just in the last couple weeks, you…
Take a look at the new project! I’m very excited about this, even though there aren’t any stories on it yet. There will be, très bientôt, I promise. I already have five in hand (if you count my own) and many more on the way. The moms who responded were so enthusiastic, it was…
A Little Sympathy for Ann Coulter
Poor Ann Coulter. Upon her recent visit to Canada, not everyone was polite to her. The more I’ve pondered her situation, the more I’m sure that some terrible things happened in her childhood. Before last week, all I knew about this woman was that she was an American right-winger with a tendency to say and…
BANG Book Review – A Gate at the Stairs by Lorrie Moore
Our latest GGG book club pick, A Gate at the Stairs by Lorrie Moore, was pretty much a unanimous “not recommended”. Overall, the gals were disappointed. Before getting into that, I will say that although I didn’t love the book, I did enjoy it. I did not find it boring or hard to get through,…