I love you, lovelies. Today feels like a really dark day. Like many of you, I didn’t sleep well last night. Waking up to this awful reality, the far-reaching possible consequences churning in my gut… It’s heavy. You all know – we’re not fine. I guess my shock and disbelief are products of trying not…
Tag: election
Election polls for Ontario’s government are making me scared.
The Ontario election is in just a couple of days, and the polls are predicting another majority win for the Conservatives. I’m honestly afraid of this result. Not just for the next four years, but for the future of Ontario in general. This is because children are the people who will populate this province in…
Let’s have Sisterhood take over the world – boys, girls, and all.
Let’s talk about Sisterhood. It’s a much bigger concept than simply having female siblings. I believe that Sisterhood, big S, encompassing millions of diverse humans, is what today has been about. I’m aware that there was a big, braggadocious, depressing, basically unthinkable event going on yesterday. It was my day off. I studiously avoided all exposure…
A Little Faith in Humanity from Remembrance Day
Hi, lovely di-hards. It’s been an emotional week, n’est-ce pas? Right around this time last Tuesday, there was a disbelieving dread building on my Facebook news feed. I could hardly bear to look at the actual stats. My daughter had strep throat; we all slept badly, and felt ill the next day – on so many levels….
Calling for Love in the Age of Global Bullying
The dust is settling. We know it’s not just a bad dream. The unthinkable has come to pass. That Trump dude is now the US President-Elect… and I think I’ve figured out why. I don’t mean why in terms of the Electoral College (which I make no claim to understand), or in terms of voter turnout (though there’s…