So I finally got to see the new Les Mis movie in mid-February, when it had been in theatres for a month and a half. This is rather a travesty. I’m a musical geek. I could sing you most of the soundtracks for about a dozen different musicals.* I was also a French major; I…
Tag: books
Happy New Year!
It’s January Seventh, Twenty-Thirteen! Happy new year (more or less), Di-hards. It’s the first day back to school, the 13th day after Christmas. As good a day as any for a new year post in which I lighten up a little bit… with a silly celebratory questionnaire meme. Woo hoo! {Disclaimer: Dilovely wrote these responses,…
Why is parenting so effing hard?
I think I may have sounded, in yesterday’s post, like life with my kids is idyllic and wonderful and effortless. I was glad to have the writing to focus me on the parts I love about this parenting gig, because yesterday was actually a rather difficult parenting day. How is it okay that the most…
BANG Book Review: The Casual Vacancy by J.K. Rowling
I admit, I’ve been remiss. I haven’t been keeping you all up-to-date with the GGG book club’s choices for… um… approximately a year. Whoops. I know you have all been tearing out your hair and wailing (internally): But Dilovely, the books! Forget the rest of this drivel… the BOOKS! I promise I will rectify the…
Talking about anatomy with a preschooler
Sean and I have always used the scientific words for certain body parts when talking with E. There are reasons for this. For one thing, we both know that personally, we would feel like tools if we used words like winkie and hoo-ha or whatever. (This is why I never got the immensely popular “Once…
My Son’s Epic Third Birthday Celebrations
Wow, it’s been a crazy week. I started out writing a sweet little birthday note to my firstborn, on his actual birthday, and then the celebrations overwhelmed the blogging time. (Putting together the yearbook and writing report cards didn’t help either.) There’s been so much partying that it must seem to him that his birthday…
The Gaza Doctor shall not hate – even if he deserves to.
Last week I attended a talk given by a man named Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish, also known as “the Gaza doctor”. Before I went, everything I knew about this man came from the flier advertising the event: “Distinguished physician Izzeldin Abuelaish MD, MPH was the first Palestinian doctor to receive a staff position at an Israeli…
The Hunger Games and the Tough Questions
Okay, folks. If you haven’t read Suzanne Collins’s The Hunger Games, stop reading this silly old blog RIGHT NOW and go read it. I’m not kidding. Go. If you HAVE read The Hunger Games, then you know. I’m sure there must be people out there who didn’t like the series (and guaranteed there are people…
BANG Movie Review: Hugo
Like The Muppets, Hugo is a children’s holiday blockbuster sitting at higher than 90% at Rotten Tomatoes (93% today). It’s a story about a young boy who lives alone in the walls of a Paris train station in the 1930s; the film is based on Brian Selznick’s book The Invention of Hugo Cabret, which I…
My Twilight Rant, a.k.a. Read Before You Ridicule
Wherein I maintain that you can’t judge a book by its movie version; Moreover, that if you want to pass judgment on a book, you have to READ IT FIRST; Secondarily, that if you take the time to read a book, you oughta have a good reason; Sixth and lastly, that if your sole reason…