Hello, dear readers, I apologize for my absence the last few days. I am in the process of a sea-blog-change. As the end of my maternity leave creeps closer, I am wishing more and more fervently that I could only go back to work part-time (or, since I’m wishing, how about not at all?). I…
Tag: balance
New Year's Resolutions
I don’t traditionally do New Year’s Resolutions. Usually there’s at least one person a year who asks me what mine are, and most of the time I haven’t thought about it. This is not because I don’t think I have plenty of room to improve myself and my ways of doing things – au contraire. …
Random (some important, some not) Items
E is six months old today! He remains the cutest baby in the world. In fact, a guest at my first official “away” Pampered Chef party (chez ma soeur) said to me, “You have the cutest baby!” I told her I agree, but I’m biased, and she said, “Feel good thinking that! He really is…
Undulating Perspective
Funny how quickly an outlook can change. As with most people, I imagine, depending on how much sleep I’ve had, how much exercise I’ve gotten, my blood sugar level, how many hugs I’ve recently received, how long I’ve listened to crying that day, the stress levels of my loved ones, etc. etc., my perspective on…
Dilovely's Little List of Goals
I’m enjoying this. I enjoy that I don’t need preamble or continuity to write in my Bloggy Blog. No constraints on length or level of awesomeness. (When my sister started her blog and left for Europe, I discovered that my baby son gives big smiles when you say “Blogblogblogblogblog.”) What was my topic again? Oh…