We’re taking a break from Nerdy Mom for today, to introduce you to the Antique Children’s Book my parents found among their inherited things. It is surmised to be a book that belonged to my mom’s dad when he was a child, so it’s getting on towards a hundred years old. And it’s more than a…
Tag: animals
100 Happy Days – Day 26: Purrr…
My poor kitties. They are litter-mates. We got them in 2004 when they were wee kittens – Ramona the adventurous one, and Nicodemus the scaredy-cat. They used to wrestle hilariously and then fall asleep on top of each other. Then, when we moved to our house in 2007, there was A TERRIBLE DISASTER. They were displaced to…
Autumnal Adventures, Part 1: Picking Apples and Petting Animals
It says a lot about autumn’s charisma that I still love it even though it means the end of summer. I adore the open windows, bare feet, long evenings, singing crickets, and picnic-table dinners of summer. But then there are fresh apples, brilliant leaves, woodsmoke, and cozy sweaters, so it all works out. In the…
Why is parenting so effing hard?
I think I may have sounded, in yesterday’s post, like life with my kids is idyllic and wonderful and effortless. I was glad to have the writing to focus me on the parts I love about this parenting gig, because yesterday was actually a rather difficult parenting day. How is it okay that the most…
Apple Farms: Almost as good as the fair.
Last weekend, we went to the apple farm with Papa and Auntie Em. I was hoping for a late Pick-Your-Own opportunity, but the farmers said that since the frost, they weren’t recommending picking from the trees. (Even though the apples on the trees looked beautiful to us.) We sold E on the outing by telling…
What a cool planet.
Here is one thing I love about this time of year, one aspect of November that never fails to uplift me when I catch sight of it: the dizzying, humbling spectacle of hundreds of birds flying in synchrony. It tops my list of “Things I Would Miss About Planet Earth If I Were Abducted By…
If you own or have ever owned or liked or known a cat…
…and you could use a laugh, watch this! And then take a look at more of simonscat.com. SO GREAT. ***
Dilovely’s Top 10 Pick-Me-Ups
The other day, I was in a funk. I’d had some news from my school board that made me feel frustrated and undervalued, and once I felt like that, every other little thing made me feel worse. E was in a cranky mood and doing his whiny cry for no reason all the time, and…
Highlights of a Weekend at Camp
I was clerking spring Committee Meeting at Camp NeeKauNis this weekend, and other than lack of sleep on Friday night (I never sleep well my first night in a strange bed), it was full of those moments I relish: Getting hugs from people I love and don’t see often enough; Business meeting going so smoothly…
LOL Cats and Other Critters
I got this email from a friend with a whole slew of photos, and it made me laugh until I was wiping tears from my eyes. I just had to share a few – my top six.