Yesterday, my beloved Hubbibi turned 35. (He doesn’t look it, though. They only recently stopped carding him at the liquor store, so I think I can safely say he’s 35 years young. Right, honey?) That means we’ve been together for 10 whole years. On his 25th birthday, we were a very new couple, living in…
Category: Raves – Why I Love
When I love something, I want you to know.
Why I DEARLY Love My Husband’s Robot Face
Hi, peeps. I’m SORRY! Whether you’re into group names or not, I really hope you are, in fact, Di-hards. Because otherwise I think you might have ditched me by now, such has been the shamefulness of my neglect. (You don’t have to tell me, I know you miss my blog posts as bad as you’d…
You know how sometimes, people suck? You know those days when you look at the world and go, “How did we even get this far? We’re shallow and violent and self-centred. We hurt each other and we waste and we destroy and WE SUCK.” Then there are those other days: the days where you’re reminded…
It’s November 29th and pouring outside. Time to LMAO and ROFL.
Yessir, it’s a gloomy, soaking day here. The students were inside for TWO recesses in a row, which never makes for an easy day. It’s still a long way to Christmas – in fact, it’s still a long way to the weekend. And as is so often the case, my shoulder muscles are like a…
BAM-BANG Music Review: Barenaked Ladies’ Snacktime
I find the more I listen to Snacktime, the Barenaked Ladies’ album for kids, the more I want to listen to it. When we look for kids’ music in our household, our main criterion is that it be fun to listen – for us. It’s not that we don’t care whether E is entertained; it’s…
Why I Love “How I Met Your Mother”
Today was the first day this NaBloPoMonth that I’ve felt completely uninspired to write. I think it’s because it’s been pissing rain and (perhaps consequently) I’ve had a nasty headache… the kind that squashes creativity. So I’ve decided to use other people’s creativity instead. Sean and I don’t have any TV channels at our house,…
Dilovely’s Playlist: 25 Legendary Canadian Songs (x2!)
Hey, beloved readers. Welcome to NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month)! In honour of this, and in accordance with tradition, I will be challenging myself to post something every day. (We shall see if I manage.) If you are totally sick of me by the end of November, I will have done my job. 🙂 My first…
BAM-BANG Music Review – Sleepy Sky Lullaby
I know this guy named Eddie Douglas. He is a professional substitute teacher (meaning he does only short-term jobs). I’ve crossed paths with him at all four elementary schools I’ve worked at, and we always enjoy a chat when we see each other. He also happens to be a Juno-nominated musician. Eddie has three albums…
How the Little Boy Saved the Summer
I’ve finally finished reading Empty Cradle, Broken Heart, after almost three months. It’s not a book I always felt like reading, but I’ve been glad to have it around. Funnily enough, just during E’s crankiest sick days last month, I got to the part about parenting your previous and subsequent children after experiencing a loss….
Music to live on
This is Ben Sollee. He is a special guy who plays the cello (awesomely). Part of his bio on says this: …In 2010, Ben embarked on the “Ditch The Van Tour.” Ben and his band abandoned the comforts of a motorized vehicle and hauled their gear and instruments (yep, the cello too) across the…