Today is the birthday of my elder sister Emily, a.k.a. Auntie Em. It is also the day she officially completed and bade adieu to her Major Research Project, finishing her Masters in Language, Culture, and Teaching. Emi is a special gal. She is full of love and complicated thoughts and stress and nostalgia and joy…
Category: Raves – Why I Love
When I love something, I want you to know.
Wrapping up NaBloPoMo! (…I cheated a little.)
It’s November 30th, the last day of National Blog Posting Month, 2012! Whew. What a relief. For real. Like last year at this time, I am proud to say that I did it! But with slightly less integrity than in 2011. 30 blog posts One per day (though this was where I cheated. I tweaked…
Why I Love Belly Dancing
Dancing has always been part of me. Long before I took my first ballet class at age six, I liked to fling myself around the living room to music, preferably with filmy garments draped over me. Since then, I’ve tried almost every kind of dance you can think of, except for tap. (Not that I…
Why I Love the Banjo
You may be thinking, Wait, Dilovely, aren’t you that crazy smitten ukulele fan? Yes, I am indeed. But I also love the banjo. Sometime when I was in university, I remember being at home with the family and we were listening to an old vinyl record of Steve Martin’s standup comedy. He was doing a…
James Hill – and Anne – Concert, with baby in tow
On Friday evening, Sean and I had the good fortune to see ukulelist James Hill in concert with his cellist fiancee, Anne Janelle (Davison)… in the company of our not-quite-four-week-old Baby A. We had debated about whether to go, since we would have to buy our baby a ticket, and then there was always the…
The Very Inspiring Blogger Award
Dearest Di-hards, I am tickled pink to tell you that I have been nominated for this: Thank you so much for thinking of me, Shannon of Shan’s Shenanigans! I am truly honoured. I’ve met Shannon a few times in person, but have gotten to know and admire her much more since I started reading –…
Post-Camp Roundup Fantastico
Hi, Everyone! Although there’s always some culture shock when I come back from Family Camp, it’s nice to be here, in a lot of ways. And nice that thanks to my smarty-phone, my email inbox (though largely neglected) is not in complete chaos, and I was even able to post you a li’l post with…
Why I Love May
We’ve had a couple of BEAUTIFUL weekends in a row, where I live. After such weird, wonky weather for the whole winter and a good chunk of the spring, we are welcoming this awesomeness. Here are ten things I love about the month of May. (You might notice a theme.) It smells wonderful. As I…
Why I Love My Midwives
As you know, baby-in-progress and I are receiving shared prenatal care from a renowned hospital ob/gyn clinic and our midwifery team. (All of this care is covered by our socialized medicine in Ontario. Thank God.) I’d like to dedicate this blog post to my midwives, because they simply rock the casbah, on so many levels….
The Hunger Games and the Tough Questions
Okay, folks. If you haven’t read Suzanne Collins’s The Hunger Games, stop reading this silly old blog RIGHT NOW and go read it. I’m not kidding. Go. If you HAVE read The Hunger Games, then you know. I’m sure there must be people out there who didn’t like the series (and guaranteed there are people…