Dear AB, It’s been an important week, your first week of school. Junior Kindergarten. Such a big step, but for you, who were so ready (even though you’re not yet four), the most natural thing in the world. When you first visited your class in June, you were really proud of how you walked right in,…
Category: Preschooleristics
The cold never bothered me anyway.
It’s that time of year when winter seems long – even though in my area of Ontario, it hasn’t been that tough a winter… I’m still thinking of green leaves with wistfulness. Here’s my three-year-old in her FAVOURITE OUTFIT, showing off her dazzling lack of tuning, made up for by her soul-deep commitment to the role….
#NaBloPoMo, Day 10: Walking
Today, I’m grateful for the ability and opportunities to walk. This morning was one of those mornings I’m not proud of, as a parent. I woke up at the normal time. AB, as has become her custom, came into my bed right around the same time, and we had a really nice little snuggle. When…
#NaBloPoMo, Day 7: Sixty Percent
Here’s a Saturday post, sneakily written on Sunday and backdated to Saturday. Heh. This gratitudinous moment is for my part-time status at work, something I’m actually actively thankful for every day. I work 60% of a full-time contract at my school, which means I have two full days, two half-days, and one day off per…
Happy Birthday, Three-Year-Old!
Dear Baby AB, It has already been two weeks since your birthday! I know you’re not a baby. You are THREE. That is BIG. But of course, you’ll always be my baby, so I reserve the right to call you that. I just want you to know, belated or not, that we’re all besotted by…
Preschooler No More
11:36 a.m. Dear E, Today is your first full day of kindergarten – JK. I am sitting here fervently wishing I were a fly on the wall of your classroom. Are you having fun? Are you nervous about anything? Did (do) you like your first recess? Are the other kids nice? Have you eaten any…
Preschooleristics: 8 (or 10) “Close But No Banana” Quotables
1. “Look, Mama! There’s another digger at the instruction site.” 1b) “Let’s go see Auntie Beth in her impartment.” 1c) “Why do you have a doctor’s impointment?” 2. “I just typed a lot of prepostrophes.” 3. “When are we going to cook something on the barbecube?” 4. “Can we play Trevor Pursuit?”* 5. While playing…
Preschooleristics: 7 Quotables from a Mysterious Brain
Sometimes, the things that pop out of E’s mouth make me think he was some kind of poet-guru in a previous life. Like his words have deep meanings that I don’t fully understand as a regular adult (or have forgotten from my own previous life). Then again, maybe they’re just random. 1. “You know what…
Preschooleristics: 9 Quotable Math Moments
Please note: I’ve been compiling quotations ever since the last one, so some of these come from the 3-year-old E, and some from the 4-year-old one. Just to be clear, since four is important. Recently, we’ve noticed that he’s picking up on learning about numbers, size, speed, and measurement. 1. While playing with his Hot…
Buying a Baby for the Birthday Boy
As you know, my son E turned four this month. As usual, he had at least four different celebrations, and so many amazing presents, it’s mind-boggling. SO MUCH LEGO. He was totally stoked, and he’s getting much better at working with it – not long ago, his motor skills were not ready for the little…