Dear Doug Ford, As you know, today is Anti-Bullying Day, otherwise known as Pink Shirt Day. I saw your video on Twitter with you in your pink shirt, talking about how we need to stand up against bullies. (I apologize, your speech was so platitudinous that my mind wandered halfway through, both times I tried…
Category: Politethics
Sometimes, you have to get to the nitty-gritty.
B.C. Pipeline Protests: What’s Your Reaction?
This week on Cross Country Checkup, host Duncan McCue was asking CBC listeners to weigh in on the B.C. Pipeline Protests, centring around the activism of the Wet’suwe’ten First Nation. I’ve decided to offer my reaction as a counterpoint to Andrew Scheer’s speech to the press on Friday. First off, I support the protests. (Shockingly,…
Dear Ontario Students: You Know Your Teachers Care About You
Dear Ontario students, We are in the midst of a big week for your schools and your educators. Whether you’re in high school or elementary school, public or Catholic, French or English, your teachers have already begun job action. This week is especially important because the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (of which I’m a…
Tragedy and Evil / Hope and Resurrection
It’s been a week of religious tragedy. When news got out about Notre Dame burning last Monday, this ubiquitous, media-worthy word – “tragedy” – sprang immediately into the headlines and conversations of the day. It was unthinkable that such an iconic structure could be filled with flames, at that very moment. I have been to…
Gratitude on International Women’s Day
Happy International Women’s Day, lovelies! I feel very thankful today (and in general), to live where and when I do, especially as a woman. I am acutely aware of the millions of women who are deprived of their human rights, both basic and intricate. I know that within some cultures, this deprivation is so embedded…
Why I’m Excited About Canada’s New Food Guide
Yesterday, Canada’s new official Food Guide was released, and I am stoked about it! For the first time EVER in this country, the Food Guide has not been influenced by agricultural promotion. Instead, it has been influenced by SCIENCE. As it should have been all along. Way to shake off the fetters of commercial enterprise,…
The Dilovely New Year Questionnaire for 2018
So, my lovelies. Happy New Year or something! It’s only January 16th. It’s a super-reasonable moment to post a 2018 questionnaire completed in time increments of 20 minutes or less over the course of three weeks. 1. What did you do in 2018 that you’d never done before? Me, Sean: Hiked Niagara Glen Trails in…
The Apocalypse is now… and the kids know it.
It’s Monday, and the 2018 Climate Conference in Poland (COP24) is in full swing. Seems as good a day as any to talk about the Apocalypse. I’ve been hesitating on this writing, because I understand that a blog post about the world as we know it going down in flames is… a bummer of sorts….
Orange Shirt Day for Truth and Reconciliation – September 30th and every day
Tomorrow, September 30th, is Orange Shirt Day. In schools, we will commemorate this day on Monday by donning orange and discussing with our students what it means. “Orange Shirt Day” recalls the beautiful, brand-new, bright-orange shirt that was taken away from Phyllis Webstad at age six, on her first day at Mission Residential School in…
Raising a Daughter in Scary But Hopeful Times
Recently, I had the chance to catch up with an old friend whose family was expecting their third child: a daughter, after two sons. [Actually, I started this post more than a month ago, and as it happens, said daughter was born TODAY, early this morning! So read on, in honour of wee baby EC’s…