I had something else I was planning to write about today, but then there’s this. (Sean found it, being the primary internet troller of the household.) It’s simply too bloggable to wait, especially on the heels of that last video. a) Doubt? Inhibitions? Ignorance??? Chemicals fix those!!!!!!! Why didn’t we think of this before?? Women…
Category: Politethics
Sometimes, you have to get to the nitty-gritty.
Capitalism: A Love Story
Today, Sean and I watched Michael Moore’s most recent documentary, “Capitalism: A Love Story”. Now, maybe I live under a rock (well, a baby I rock), but I wasn’t even aware this film existed until Sean brought it home. It’s possible that buzz about the movie was squelched a bit… but I don’t want to…
From the Pages of Mini-Di, Earth Day Edition
I know this might be overload on the Mini-Di… but this one has to be today, since it’s Earth Day. Here’s what Dilovely journaled in honour or Earth Day, 1990 (age 11, almost 12): When I got home I told N [my best childhood friend – about the idea to go litter-picking]. She thought it…
We interrupt this broadcast…
I said planned to do Laminated List Part II next, but these news stories cannot wait. They’re not exactly breaking news… though I can’t deny they’re broken. Sean and I sit here wondering: has the real world traded places with the alternate reality of The Onion? Here’s Story #1, complete with horrible pun in first…
A Little Sympathy for Ann Coulter
Poor Ann Coulter. Upon her recent visit to Canada, not everyone was polite to her. The more I’ve pondered her situation, the more I’m sure that some terrible things happened in her childhood. Before last week, all I knew about this woman was that she was an American right-winger with a tendency to say and…
BANG Book Review – A Gate at the Stairs by Lorrie Moore
Our latest GGG book club pick, A Gate at the Stairs by Lorrie Moore, was pretty much a unanimous “not recommended”. Overall, the gals were disappointed. Before getting into that, I will say that although I didn’t love the book, I did enjoy it. I did not find it boring or hard to get through,…
Vancouver 2010 Olympic Games and Canadian Pride
I know the Olympics in Vancouver have been over for a long time. I’m gonna write about them anyway because it’s MY blog… and people are still talking about it regardless. And the Paralympics are still to come! Plus, I’ve now gone through a grand Olympic struggle to get this post up… working on it…
BANG Movie Review – Avatar
Spoiler alert – if you are planning to see Avatar and don’t want to know stuff about the movie, stop reading here. I recommend seeing it on as little information as possible, and forming your own opinions. If you’re not concerned about sullying your first impressions, please read on. I didn’t know much about Avatar…
On Being Canadian
Last night, as per my date plans, I attended a “lecture” On Being Canadian by John Ralston Saul with my hubby (after a delicious and wonderfully uninterrupted, if slightly rushed, sushi dinner). I say “lecture” because his style isn’t at all professorial, preachy, or read-y… but more on that later. It must be mentioned that…