This past Sunday, as you know, was Mother’s Day, and also my thirty-sixth birthday. It was pretty much as lovely as I could have wished for. You also could say it started on Saturday, when I got to (1) take an impromptu nap on the reclining couch upon arrival at my parents’ house, while members…
Category: Photoposts
Posts with pretty pictures
6 Headlines You Won’t See at the Supermarket Checkout
In case you’re wondering, the title of this post is a bit ironic. If you hang around the Interwebs, you may have noticed that it’s real trendy or whatever to write articles and posts that start with a number. Somehow it makes the content more attractive and edible if you enumerate stuff. Far be it…
Toddler Tracks: Baby AB and the Snackalicious Journey
Dear Baby AB, Here’s another chapter of the Chronicles of You at One Year and a Half. This one’s about food! You and food have a great relationship. I’m really glad I read Child of Mine by Ellyn Satter (thank you, Leslie) and Baby-Led Weaning by Gill Rapley and Tracey Murkett (thank you, Megan) before…
International Day of Happiness
Hey there, lovely Di-hards, Will you help me write a blog post? Today is International Day of Happiness, as decided by the United Nations General Assembly in 2012. I have to admit, when I heard this mentioned on the radio yesterday, in the same newscast as Malaysia Airlines, Crimea, and the winter that just won’t…
Toddler Tracks: Baby AB and the Power of Toddling
Dear Baby AB, Wow, it’s been a long time since I’ve written of your exploits here, even though – or perhaps because – you’re continually astonishing. There is so much to catch up on! At the end of this month, you will be a year-and-a-half old. Eighteen months. That’s big. The first thing I guess…
Freezing and Thawing and Partying
It’s been a memorable holiday season. Christmas that was both black(out) and crazily white… So much awesome family… Yummy food and festive music… Gratuitous cuteness…. Now here we are. Gearing up to go back to school and normal life tomorrow, while also battening down for another storm. Bracing for back-to-school germs, now that both kids…
A Little Night Weaning
November was obviously a banner month for Barely Blogging At All. Sigh. I’d like to say that it’s because my other project was progressing in leaps and bounds, but I’m afraid that’s not the case either. What there HAS been: some serious sleep issues – for all of us. Especially me. So today, I’m thrilled…
Baby AB’s Fashion Blog – Issue #17: Cozy
It’s getting cold these days, and it smells like winter out there. Here are some warm and snuggly fashions… from the last time it was cold (so, like, half a lifetime ago for the model in question). *** [subscribe2]
Celebrating One Year of Baby AB
Dear Baby AB, It’s hard to believe it’s already, and only, been a year since you came on the scene in person. The night I laboured with you, so many people could hardly wait to for you to arrive. There were people scattered across the city, the province, the continent, who were thrilled to hear…
Baby AB’s Fashion Blog – Issue #15: “Summer” Theatrics
Last week, the weather showed us how flexible it can be in September. On Tuesday it was 34C (93F), feeling like 42C (108F) with the humidity. (Inside my school, ’twas even hotter.) So although school has started, we were reminded that IT IS STILL SUMMER, Y’ALL. Then a few days later, it got down to…