Today, I am grateful for the beautiful snow we’re having. Isn’t it great how snow lightens up the world right when you need it most? Just like how shade also offers itself right when you need it. Normally, we don’t really get into the Christmas stuff – music and decorating etc. – until December. The…
Category: Humanitrivia
Adventures in the lives of humans.
Family of Word Nerds – Gratitude Day 21
I’m grateful to be able to say that my children have inherited my penchant for interesting vocabulary. AB is relishing the lessons they’ve been doing in her class on adding “juicy details” to one’s writing. Yesterday, E correctly (and metaphorically) used the word “begat” in a sentence. More on their lexical prowess later. For now,…
Those Little Moments – Gratitude Day 18
Today when I walked into my house after work, I could tell that that guy I love made that food I love because it smelled so good in here. It kinda made my day. (He’s on evening shifts this week, so most of the time we only overlap at home when one or both of…
Apple Butter – Gratitude Day 16
Just this, right now. A bunch of peeled apples, quite a bit of time cooking, a bit of immersion blending, some cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves, and a bit of maple syrup made by friends of ours… It makes the house smell amazing. I’m so grateful for apples, especially local apples, and everything to do with…
My Household Appliances – Gratitude Day 13
I’m really grateful for my household appliances today. Sometimes when I’m doing laundry, I imagine having to pump water out of the ground or go get it from a well. Then I think about building a fire to boil the water in a huge cauldron, and putting the family’s filthy clothes in it. (I think…
Guess what I’m grateful for today! Seriously, one guess. Day 7.
Basically everyone I know and love is grateful for the same thing today: the defeat of the orange monster. Maybe if all of us grateful folks work really hard to be extra civil and professional and compassionate and well-spoken (when possible and called-for), we can remind the rest of the population that good behaviour toward…
TGIF – Gratitude Day 6
Right now, I am very very grateful that it’s Friday, and three out of four of us can sleep in tomorrow. (Poor Sean is working overtime. Boo.) I don’t know about the rest of you on the North American continent, but this hasn’t been the greatest week for sleeping around here. I am also grateful…
Gratitude as Covid-Winter-Blues-Buster
It’s late already and I need to go to bed, but I thought I would just write a little something about gratitude. Every November I consider the few times I’ve done NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month, posting every day for 30 days) and think to myself, Could I do that again? And I answer myself…
14 Nice Things I’ll Remember About Shutdown
School is upon us. Students, parents, and teachers are, I believe, universally unsettled about back-to-school. Whatever the normal preparations, uncertainties, anxieties, and excitements would be, they’re different and more intense this year. I’ll be honest: after three days of training last week, discussing with my colleagues ways to deal with all the million tiny details…
Dear Friends, it’s May and I miss you.
It’s May Day! (Or Beltane, to the Gaelic and Wiccan traditions.) It’s a day when folks in northern temperate time zones officially cast off the shackles of winter and get the heck outside. It’s that point when we’re supposed to receive the payoff for those April showers and surround ourselves with flowers. It’s time to…