Currently in our city, we’re experiencing warm and very humid weather. In truth, Baby AB is wearing mostly the minimum these days. (Which, as it happens, is the most delicious getup of all. I’ll do a feature soon.) Still, there’s a lot to be said for summer dresses. Lots of room for air. This is…
Category: Bébépourri
Baby anecdotes
Baby AB’s Fashion Blog – Issue #9: Jet-Setter-Wedding-Guest Edition
Airports visited by Baby AB and entourage between last Thursday and Monday on our trip to a family wedding in New Mexico: … AND back to Buffalo. A sampling of fashions worn by Baby AB during our 5-day odyssey: There is so much more to tell about our epic trip. Please stay tuned. ***…
Glennon Melton, Vampire Weekend, Iron Man 3, and other news bites.
I had a grand plan to craft a beautiful essay, rife with linkativity, proving the essential similarity of these three items: Glennon Doyle Melton’s book Carry On, Warrior, Vampire Weekend’s new album “Modern Vampires of the City”, And Iron Man 3. You see, this one time, in high school, I got perfect on an essay….
Baby AB’s Fashion Blog – Issue #8: Ultra Lounge + BONUS Brother-Style
Wow, it’s a good thing there’s no shortage of baby fashion cuteness, because finding more than eight consecutive minutes to rub together (?) for a REAL blog post is, like, not happening these days. And blogging is like exercising for me – if I don’t do it for extended periods, guilt eats away at me….
Baby AB’s Fashion Blog – Issue #7: Beautiful Butterflies
Who doesn’t love a pretty butterfly? (Actually, I can tell you who. The last time I was at the Butterfly Conservatory with E and AB and some friends, there was a preschool group there and several of the kids screeched in terror when butterflies landed on them. Even though a butterfly-landing is like the cherished…
Baby AB’s Fashion Blog – Issue #6: Flirty Skirts
Here are two li’l outfits given to Baby AB by good friends. SKIRTS ATTACHED TO PANTS. Such a good idea for a baby! Although since she’s a cloth diaper-wearer (read: bubble-butt) she outgrows the skirts sooner than the tops. *** [subscribe2]
Baby AB’s Fashion Blog – Issue #5: Sleepy Six-Pack
So… yeah, sleepers aren’t exactly clothes. But if anyone can get away with wearing pajamas for daytime fashion, it’s babies. And again – they’re too cute not to be documented. (You can maybe tell there are a bunch of different ages represented.) Something about babies inspires clothing designers to CUPCAKES. I guess ‘cuz they’re small…
Happy Six Months, Baby Girl!
Dear Baby A, You are now half a year old! You are growing so fast! Just in the last two weeks, you have cut your first two teeth and learned to roll over, both ways. Here are some other things you have recently learned to do: wiggle while lying on your back, until you scootch…
The Anatomy of a Mum-Mum
Baby Mum-Mums. For parents of teething babies, they are saviour and anathema at once. How do they work? No one knows exactly. I am baffled, myself. They are delicate enough to be crushed to smithereens in your purse (preferably inside the package). They yield appropriately to the gentle crocodile-fierce pressure of a teething baby’s jaws….
Eight Random Things with Brilliant Segues
{Actually, I make no guarantees that the segues will be brilliant. But whatever.} My last post was a downer, I know. But now! I am able to lighten up for the following reasons: 1. I have awesome friends/family/Di-hards. THANK YOU for your sympathy and support, and offers of help. I hope I haven’t worried you…