One year ago yesterday, a cherished and unusual little person named Kieran was born. His mom, my friend Skye, already knew he would be born with a cleft lip and palate. It was a tough time when she found out about it, because there are a lot of challenges that go with having a cleft…
Category: Bébépourri
Baby anecdotes
Happy Second Birthday, Rainbow Baby
Dear Delicious Little Girl, Two years ago yesterday, you came peacefully into the world, and immediately began howling. It was a day joyous beyond description for the people who love you. Since then, we’ve learned a lot about you. Some things we learned right away: You like to be snuggled – but not every second….
Freezing and Thawing and Partying
It’s been a memorable holiday season. Christmas that was both black(out) and crazily white… So much awesome family… Yummy food and festive music… Gratuitous cuteness…. Now here we are. Gearing up to go back to school and normal life tomorrow, while also battening down for another storm. Bracing for back-to-school germs, now that both kids…
A Special Anniversary
Today is a really special day. There are great numbers of us thinking of Newtown today, and praying for those families who are dealing with the first anniversary of the worst day of their lives. I have thought of those families all year long, and send them extra love today. (For a way to express…
A Little Night Weaning
November was obviously a banner month for Barely Blogging At All. Sigh. I’d like to say that it’s because my other project was progressing in leaps and bounds, but I’m afraid that’s not the case either. What there HAS been: some serious sleep issues – for all of us. Especially me. So today, I’m thrilled…
Celebrating One Year of Baby AB
Dear Baby AB, It’s hard to believe it’s already, and only, been a year since you came on the scene in person. The night I laboured with you, so many people could hardly wait to for you to arrive. There were people scattered across the city, the province, the continent, who were thrilled to hear…
Baby AB’s Fashion Blog – Issue #15: “Summer” Theatrics
Last week, the weather showed us how flexible it can be in September. On Tuesday it was 34C (93F), feeling like 42C (108F) with the humidity. (Inside my school, ’twas even hotter.) So although school has started, we were reminded that IT IS STILL SUMMER, Y’ALL. Then a few days later, it got down to…
Baby AB’s Fashion Blog – Issue #14: Salmon and Carmine
When we were kids, we had one jillion pencil crayons, courtesy of my dad. Mostly Laurentians and Prismacolors. They were kept in three old sorbet containers, one for warm colours, one for cool colours, and one for neutrals. We spent a lot of time colouring, and knew well the nuances of Deep Yellow versus Lemon…
Nothing like a trip to the emergency room to put things in perspective.
Dear Baby AB, Sometimes you frustrate me. Sometimes you scream way louder than is called for, and sometimes your melodrama gets tiresome. Your reluctance to let me do simple, important things (like change your diaper or wipe your face) is aggravating. But know this: I love you more than waterfalls and music and fresh peaches…
Baby AB’s Fashion Blog – Issue #12: She’s Got Good Jeans
Jeans on a baby are undeniably cute. Any time you see a baby in “grown-up” clothes, it just tickles the medial ventral pre-frontal cortex, amiright? Unfortunately, they’re not very practical – hard to get on the baby, and hard for her to sit properly with them on. Especially because she’s cloth-diapered and therefore has bubble-butt….