Today I’m grateful for happy anniversary memories of this day last year – and this whole weekend last year – when my sister Emily married her love.
I’m grateful that I got to be there in Seattle (actually nearby Everett) as a witness – facilitated by my now-brother-in-law (thank you! xoxo). And I’m extra-grateful that all the siblings – three of hers and two of his, plus some other fortunate loved ones – got to be there.
It was such a special three days, packed with a lot more cool stuff than most three-day periods. (Funny to think of now, actually, since basically everything we did would now be thwarted – or made uncomfortable – by Covid. Dining indoors at a big long table together; visiting very crowded Pike Place Market; going to a Contra dance; lots of hugging; airplane travel…)
It was so joyful for all of us to see them so happy. It’s just as joyful now to see them reunited (after no visits for eight months) and safe in Canada to be together, finally. And whenever it is that we get to have the big proper wedding celebration with everyone (that could not take place in September as planned), we will feel that same exuberance that these two awesome and adorable people have found each other and persevered. And now they get to have perma-sleepovers!
Happy anniversary, Emily and Alex! xoxoxoxo
I’m grateful for all this, too! I wasn’t there, but I’m grateful that you and your siblings were. And that Robbie and I will be there for the re-celebration with many dear ones and all the trimmings! And that we got to see them on their anniversary — albeit through the glass of their front window during the quarantine — and send visible, if non-touching, hugs and kisses, and bring bouquets.
And I’m grateful for the health of all of us through these times; we’re still a whole family.