Did you know that my daughter has been married for almost two months? She’s a romantic, but she needs no extravagant proposal. In fact, she doesn’t even need a groom.
Back at the end of the summer, she drew the above picture on our white board, with great attention to details like rings and gloves and such. She told us that she would be marrying a boy she likes from her school (Lorenzo – he couldn’t’ve had a more romantic name if she’d made him up). She added “Wedding Today” on a Sunday at the end of summer, and got dressed up fancy.
She was really happy and excited. She did ask at one point, “Could we go pick up Lorenzo?” but I’ve never seen this kid, much less met his parents/gotten his number/found out his address. Fortunately, she didn’t seem that perturbed that he wouldn’t be there for the wedding. There wasn’t even really a ceremony (which would only have served to make the groom’s absence more noticeable – who needs it?). She liked wearing her sparkly shoes and Tinkerbell dress and feeling special for the day. She was celebrated and congratulated heartily by all who were present.
Ah, the glory of it all.
Soon afterward, she began work on her first book. It wastes no time with preamble (or writing word order, at least on the first page).
“One day two lonely people crashed in the night. It was love at first sight.” And the rest is history (and more legible).
[It seems worth mentioning that both my kids write on much more mature themes than I did as a child. As you may know, my masterwork Rainy Day Cindy had no romance in it whatsoever (although there were some decent present-giving moments). Nor did it have the kinds of heisty hijinks E likes to write about (superheroes with animal sidekicks fighting evil scientists – more on that later). Mini-Di just followed Gilbert Blythe’s advice and wrote what she knew. More or less.]
I’m pretty sure that this manuscript is not done. I, for one, have many questions and will need some more instalments. I feel like Lorenzo’s behaviour in this book could take a dark turn, as it seems a little stalker-y; but then, maybe he’s just showing perseverance to be rewarded. In the meantime, I’m pretty proud of my kid’s word choices and indomitable spelling.
So. Good.
Can’t. Wait.
For. Dénouement.
I’ve let the author know, and she’s working on it. xoxo
Things I love about this: lots of consent (she asks whether he wants to go on the date and he answers clearly); he shows up (I don’t get a stalkery-vibe since she’s clearly delighted to have him there) with gifts (cuz who doesn’t like that?); he clearly goes home to his own house at the end of each day (as evidenced by the next day’s return), so potential groom or not, the boundaries are age-appropriate; Arwen’s spelling and word choice rock!; she also clearly has a story to tell with beginning, middle, and maybe more middle for now, but I feel a happy ending coming on at some point; and I think it’s adorable that story-Arwen does so much blushing! She should consider publishing 😉
He does seem pretty gentlemanly… Glad to know she’s looking for a nice boy. 😉 It makes me laugh (and also wonder a bit) that she talks so much about blushing – since I’ve never really known her to blush, herself.
Avcors I love this! I kuicli understood her love for a guy who brote her a horse and pupi and kiten.
Her romanticism reminds me of a little girl near the same age who wore a doll-carriage mosquito net over her head like a bridal veil solemnly all through Meeting one Sunday after witnessing the marriage of her aunt and uncle…
Hee hee. <3 I suppose she comes by it onistli.
She shirly duzz
I can’t say for sure which is more fun — the original blog post or the comments! It’s all wonderful! I’m tickled that she was able to go through the wedding day without either groom or ceremony and consider it a success. Wouldn’t that approach save a lot of hassle and expense for many couples? (I’m assuming that Lorenzo could do the same thing at his home, at a time of his choice — possibly well into the future? — and then it would be all taken care of…) AB’s spelling reminds me of mine when I was about her age: knowing that some words have letters in them that you don’t really see the need for, but you put them in to be correct. “Siad”, for example. In my case, the one I remember was prayer. I knew there was something unexpected in it (why not just “prare”? or even “prar”?), and I knew that there were silent “GHs” in some words, so I wrote “pragher”. Worked for me.
Hahaha! Why haven’t other couples thought of this one-person non-wedding thing?? So thrifty!
And “pragher”… LOL!! That is some downright zealous spelling.