Happy New Year! Isn’t it nice to have a new start, after the year we’ve had?
Time for the semi-traditional New Year’s Questionnaire. This year, I’ve decided to take some liberties with it. That is to say, I deleted or modified the questions that were annoying me or seemed repetitive. No time for baloney in 2017!
- What did you do in 2016 that you’d never done before?
Me: Visited North Carolina, taught English, tried an Escape Room (with a team of smart/more experienced people) – and escaped!
Sean: Bought a minivan, subsequently inaugurated it by taking 15 hours in one day to drive two kids and four adults to North Carolina. And then 15 more hours to drive back a week later.
E: Went to the Hogwarts classes and Quidditch practice at the University, licked my own elbow, started Tae Kwon Do classes.
AB: Started school, said lots of French things, learned some Tae Kwon Do moves from my brother.
- Did you keep your New Year’s resolutions?
Me: No. I did not at all get my 52 blog posts done, despite the scaled-down nature of the resolution. (I got to 32.) Sigh. I am disappointed. I also didn’t achieve what I set out to with my delayed NaBloPoMo strategy. Life is just too hectic, and although I know that writing is important for my brain and my spirit, so is getting sleep. And so is planning lessons and marking stuff. And so is reading stories to my kids. Et cetera. There are not enough hours to do ALL THE THINGS.
Sean: Not exactly. See Question #17.
E, A: We’re kids. We live in the moment.
3. Did anyone close to you die?
Me: A very dear family friend and member of our Friends’ Meeting.
Sean: Two wonderful step-grandparents.
E: So many of my baby teeth.
A: The loops on my rubber boots.
4. What would you like to have in 2017 that you lacked in 2016?
Me: My report cards done early.
Sean: Really good sleep.
E: A wooden sword. I might make one with all the boards I’ve been breaking in Tae Kwon Do.
A: I would like a unicorn that a princess can ride on!
5. What events from 2016 will remain etched upon your memory, and why:
Me, Sean: Fires in Fort MacMurray, US Election results, deaths of David Bowie, Alan Rickman, Prince, Muhammad Ali, Anton Yelchin, Gene Wilder, Charmian Carr, Leonard Cohen, Alan Thicke, George Michael, Carrie Fisher, Debbie Reynolds.
E: North Carolina, and my birthday!
A: North Carolina, and the first day of school!
6. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Me: Being part of Mosaic.
Sean: Becoming a supervisor and initiating the overhaul of the tooling system at work.
E: Earning my yellow and orange belts in Tae Kwon Do and participating in my first tournament. And I really developed the skill of soccer this year.
A: Singing many songs in French, especially the one we did at the school concert (“La neige tombe”).
7. What was your biggest failure?
Me: Still not managing to finish unpacking by 2017. (Sadly, this is not a joke.)
Sean: Not losing weight.
E: I get mad at myself when I do things imperfectly.
A: I have no failings.
8. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Me: I suspect I’ve been suffering from plantar faciitis…
Sean: Toe broken by karma as I ran up the stairs chasing the kids, having just told them not to run up the stairs. And then there was that tiny metal chip that had to be surgically removed from my eyeball.
E: The usual viruses, and the usual grievous injuries about five times a day.
A: The time my brother scratched my hand that had already been scratched!
9. What was the best thing you bought?
Me: Poo-Pourri. Especially Vanilla Mint. Highly recommend. (And thanks for the tip, JP!)
Sean: OluKai flip flops.
E: I bought my smelly markers with my own money! I went to Staples with the six dollars plus tax in coins in a green container with a lid, and when we checked out I put it on the counter, and that’s how I proudly paid for my own markers. (This is Mummy’s description. Gosh, it was cute.)
A: I got five dollars from my Uncle Barry in North Carolina and I helped pay for my very own pink Automoblox.
10. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
Me, Sean: Trump + supporters, ISIL, other terrorists and corrupt individuals… the usual.
E: Mummy and Daddy, when they make me do my homework.
A: Mummy and Daddy, when they make me use words and manners instead of just reading my mind.
11. Whose behavior merited celebration?
Me: The peaceful Standing Rock protesters, and the two thousand veterans who joined them.
Sean: Pope Francis’s, for his work with the poor and refusal to buy into the pomp of popehood.
E: Mine, when I broke my first board! (And then a whole bunch more.)
A: Mine, for many diaper-free dry nights!
12. What did you get really excited about?
Me: A beautiful white Christmas.
Sean: The US election – good excited… and then bad excited.
A: My sparkly silver purse!
13. What song will always remind you of 2016?
14. What do you wish you’d done more of?
Me: Keeping my patience.
Sean: Exercise.
E: Screen time. There’s a lot less of it now that I’m in Grade 2.
A: I’m four. I have no need to examine my own behaviour.
15. What do you wish you’d done less of?
Me: Stressing out.
Sean: Eating out.
E: Homework.
A: Walking to school. It’s such a long way. I think I still deserve my stroller.
16. How did you spend Christmas?
All: With people we love, all kinds of family. So very fortunate.
17. What is your resolution this year?
Me: Learn not to use the snooze button; use my massage benefits.
Sean: Be fit and productive.
Me, Sean: This year, we are keeping Bullet Journals! We shall thus become organized and effective, beyond all previous experience or expectations. (Sort of like a resolution.) We’ve already started. We are already getting a bit compulsive. I’m sure the Bullet Journal will get its own blog post one of these times.
E: Get my green belt; learn to skate. My mom would like me to resolve to whine less about my responsibilities. We’ll see about that.
A: Try a new dance class or maybe Tae Kwon Do. My mom would like me to resolve to cooperate in the mornings. We’ll see about that.
18. What was your favorite TV program?
Me: The Crown.
Sean: Luke Cage, Daredevil Season 2, The Crown.
E: Lego Ninjago.
A: Paw Patrol, Peppa Pig.
19. What was the best book you read?
Me: The Girl on the Train was basically un-put-down-able.
Sean: A Brief History of the Future and The Harrows of Spring.
E, A: We had the rest of the Harry Potter series read to us, and then all of Narnia, and now we’re on to Roald Dahl. We love them all!
20. What do you regret?
Me: Not being better organized, especially during April through June.
Sean: Spending money on junk food.
E: That time I missed most of gym period because I forgot my indoor shoes at home.
A: All the clothes that are too small for me.
21. What decision are you glad you made?
Me: To buy a mini-van.
Sean: To accept the supervisor position.
E: To ask for Diary of a Wimpy Kid for Christmas. (He has been devouring the series and was almost done book 7 as of Sunday night).
A: Changing my mind at the last minute to be Minnie Mouse for Halloween instead of Elsa again.
22. What was your favorite film of this year?
Me: Moana.
Sean: Captain America – Civil War.
E: Zootopia.
A: Moana.
23. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
Me: 38, got surprised by my family coming to dinner and doing beautiful birthday things.
Sean: 39, celebrated the weekend before at an indoor water park in Niagara Falls with family and friends.
E: 7, had my friends over to my house.
A: 4, attended several dinners in my honour.
24. What new thing would you like to try in 2017?
Me: I’m considering an Ugi ball.
Sean: Minimalism.
E: I’ve tried skating, but only a couple times. I’d like to learn for real.
A: I’m considering a haircut.
25. What political issue stirred you the most?
Me: Nestlé’s mercenariness, pipelines.
Sean: US Election.
E: Kids in my class saying I have a crush on someone when I don’t.
A: My right to snuggles EVERY MORNING for as long as I want.
26. Whom did you miss?
Always Sebastian. Also, please see #3.
27. Who was the best new person you met?
All: Two new friends! We have all been really glad to get to know Danielle, and also Matt.
E: It was my first year getting to attend the same school as last year, so it was nice NOT to meet as many new people.
A: My best friend is Olivia P!
28. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2016:
Me: Every vote really does matter.
Sean: Replacing the filter on your CPAP machine makes a huge difference to sleep quality.
E: Practice really does make you better at things.
A: W goes down-up-down-up, and N goes up-down-up.
29, Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
Throw a little love till the world stops hurting… Keep on, keep on, keep on truckin’…
I was just about to gently remind you to write and instead I was pleasantly surprised by this. Happy New Year
Haha! Thank you, Skye. You’re the one I’m ALWAYS thinking of when I publish after I haven’t blogged for a few days. Your very existence is now nudging me. 🙂
What fun! Almost makes me want to answer it myself!
I’d love to read your answers!
Delightful. Love you all !!!
We love you too!!
I love that pic of y’all SO MUCH! (ev’s pockets are a great feature.)
AB, I remember the pain of clothes being too small. Sad. But here will come a time when this doesn’t happen as much. (Also, there’s Danielle for dress emergencies.)
Di, even though you didn’t write as much as you wanted, you’re still kinda my blogging hero. Also, I’m sorry you think you have plantar fasciitis. That is sucky. I hope it can get fixed. Also, unpacking is overrated.
Ev, I’m so proud of your reading ability. You really took off with that this year. You’re awesome.
Sean, YOU WILL GET FIT! Text me whenever you are about to forget that. 🙂
Also, Pomp of Popehood is the name of my new band.
Aw, shucks. You started this blogging thing, ya know – I wouldn’t even have this blog if it weren’t for your inspiration.
And I’m working with a foot roller. 😉
(I agree with all your other comments.)
Pomp of Popehood? You got red socks?