Thank goodness for the mornings we don’t all have to get up and rush out. Mornings when we can wake up slowly as a family, and pass E around for snuggle-hugs in our family bed – mornings when we get to really listen to the strange things that he thinks to say when he wakes up.
For instance, yesterday morning, Sean and I both had the day off for an appointment. E said, before we were even out of bed, “Daddy, can you be a robot?” (This was because Daddy had gotten his new CPAP machine this week, and for shiggles put it on and pretended to be a robot for E.) A few minutes later, when Daddy had taken him to the other room to go potty, I heard E say, “You don’t be a robot, Daddy. I’m sorry.” I don’t know what made him say he was sorry – I think he’s still figuring out what it means – but it just sounds so cute and heartfelt. Like, “Daddy, I’m sorry I forced my expectations on you. Don’t be a robot just because I say so… You should just follow your dreams.”
Kinda like the time the three of us were in the car, and Sean and I were talking about something that had happened at work, and E decided to interrupt with, “I’m sorry, it’s all my fault.” He didn’t seem to be consumed by guilt, just decided to own up. (In the past week or two, when people are having conversations near him that don’t include him, he’s much more likely to say, “Stop talking! Everybody stop talking!” Because what could we be discussing that would be worthwhile without his input? But we don’t pay no mind.)
Back to yesterday. After breakfast, E and I were working on this bizarre puzzle we have, featuring a dubious version of the human digestive system, where all the organs are separate and you fit them into this yellow guy’s torso.
E: What are those?
Mommy: Those are his lungs. That’s what he breathes with.
E (earnestly): When I have lungs, I will breathe with those lungs.
Mommy (giggling): You already have lungs! You’re breathing with them right now!
E: Yeah. (pause) I don’t know where are my lungs. (He probably thought they would be visible and purple, like the ones in the puzzle.)
Mommy: They’re right here. (poking gently) These are your ribs that protect your lungs, and your lungs are underneath them.
E: Yeah. (Looking at the diagram) Those are his lungs. He’s breathing with his lungs on.
This morning he asked me, “Hey Mommy, where’s the liver?” Luckily, I knew what he was referring to.
Lazy mornings – The Best! Check it out!