This is my grandpa.

His picture was one of dozens included in a slide show as part of the Remembrance Day assembly at school today – all relatives of people in our school community.
My grandpa was part of the 101st Airborne division for the American Allies during World War II, and parachuted into Normandy on D-Day. He also did art and learned exotic languages for fun and read a lot and collected interesting items. By all accounts, he was an extraordinary person.
He survived the war, but died when I was two. I wish he had had more years to spend with his wife and children – and grandchildren. I wish I could talk to him, or at least remember him. I’m glad some of you do.
Shep taught me the meaning of ‘yope’ which is halfway between ‘yep’ and ‘nope.’ It is conveyed nonverbally with a circular motion of the head, combining a nod and a slow shake. He also showed me how to make a mean peanut butter foldie. My memories of him are now at least thirty years old and much more hazy than I’d like them to be; I’ve learned much more about him through the things he collected and the stories about him than by actual first-hand memories…but I do remember him being a first-rate grandpa.
Shep also invented the “double-brown foldie”: a piece of bread with peanut butter on half and jalapeno bean dip on the half, folded together! A creative genius!
Oops! …”on the OTHER half”… was meant