Sherlock Holmes Review By A Normal Gal
I know many many people have already seen this film, since it was in theatres forever, but I don’t get out much. Oh well.
Here’s what I liked:
- Robert Downey, Jr. as Sherlock. Yum (and I’m not usually into “older” movie stars… but wait, he’s only 13 years older than I am… I seem to be getting old myself).
- Jude Law as Watson. Yum again, even with the beardless moustache (not into those either). Both of these men would be on my “laminated list“, if you know what I mean. MOTL.
- Rachel McAdams as Irene Adler. She’s delicious too. (She would be on my “if I happened to swing both ways” list.) And she was raised just down the road in li’l old St. Thomas, Ontario, which is crazy, because now she’s hanging out with/kissing the likes of RDJ and JL.
- Grey, gritty, London underbelly atmosphere. To be relished.
- Those crazy, analytical, medically-oriented, step-by-step explanations of how SH will beat up that guy.
- An interesting mystery – and it’s supposed to be a mystery, so if I feel like I’m not fully getting it – that’s okay! It will all become clear in the end.
- All mystery elements explained in snappy, satisfying speech by Sherlock to the villain. I feel certain cinematic/literary clichĂ©s such as this were used to great effect in this movie; after all, that’s what I came here to see – Sherlock successfully using his brilliance and sharing it with the audience.
- No deerstalker cap. Apparently this symbol of Holmesian detectivity was the contribution of an illustrator, rather than springing from Conan Doyle’s actual stories. I think this was a very good move: if you’re going to re-imagine a legend, you have to take some bold steps away from the public’s expectations. Kinda like Heath Ledger as the Joker.
- RDJr.’s ownership of the role. I know Jeremy Brett is considered the quintessential Holmes, and he basically gave his life to the role – far be it from me to belittle his version. Still, I liked the one I saw. I found RDJr. very convincing in all his eccentricity, wacky charm, chaotic anti-social tendencies, seething passion for detail, dark sense of humour, etc.
- Cool, swashbuckling-yet-mysterious score by Hans Zimmer.
- Tableau shots that become drawings during the credits. Neat idea, whoever thought of that.
Here’s what I didn’t like:
- Some kind of weird film technique during scenes of mayhem – as if every other frame were missing or something. A choppy visual effect that annoyed my eyes.
- Ummm… I should really think of something else I didn’t like…
- Nothing comes to mind. After all, I’m not a critic, my reviews are BANG-on, baby.
Alors, overall: not a particularly profound or poignant movie-going experience, but a firm, hearty Huzzah! Dilovely LIKED IT.
Oh, ah, Christopher Plummer as Sherlock! Fantastic! And James Mason as Watson. Perfick.
Ooh. I like the sound of that.
i liked it too ::)
I totally agree – such a fun, creative, witty movie with delicious people. They would both be on my laminated list too 🙂
My favorite effect were the freeze framed scenes that morph into drippy ink newspaper-type drawings. Love!