The show was a great success! We danced our hearts out, any costume malfunctions were minimal, everyone got to their places on time, and we all had fun. And the drum choreography was a total hit.
Plus, E was an absolute angel. I mean, he’s always an angel, but this was even when faced with lots of new people, longer awake times than are advisable, and a crazy amount of colour and bling to stimulate him. Thanks to my good friend for wearing him for the whole first half of the show, and to my fellow drum girls for entertaining him during the second half. And thanks to him for being up on stage with me and all the dancers, and causing huge smiles everywhere he looked.
I was there! It’s all true. The boy came home with sequins in his eyes.
I wish we could have been there too!! Sounds like terrific fun!! Di, you sure are constantly amazing me! Love you!!xoxox